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TES VI, Will it even happen?


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A question for my fellow Skyrim modders / mod users,


Will another "True" Elder Scrolls game ("True" meaning Single Player) even happen now that Bethesda has allowed the series to cross the line from single player to MMO?


Personally i will not be paying for a subscription if it is a Pay-to-Play, but i havent even looked at Elder Scrolls Online, and to be honest i doubt there will be a sixth elder scrolls game as i know it.


Just putting my thoughts out there. hopefully im wrong and good things happen will happen like TES 6 or dual wielding one handed ranged and melee weapons in the next fallout game and world peace.

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first ESO is NOT made by bethesda ESO has nothing to do with TES ESO is just another generic themepark MMO that happened to have similair name places and that is the only thing that that game has in common wxith the game franchise


and yes TES VI will come

but with todays ever growing capacity of consoles and pc it will take longer and longer to develop games

As far we know acording to the rumour mill bethesda is working 100% on fallout 4, and all indicartions are that they probably will launch it in mid or late 2015


so i do not think we will hear anything about TES VI till atleast 2017 and probably have to wait till 2018 at the earliest


the succes or more likely failure of ESO will have nothing to do with the development at bethesda



besides i m looking forward to FO 4

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The Bethesda release schedule has alternated between TES & Fallout. Fallout is the next one due ( FO4) and should be either late this year (maybe for Christmas they will release it in November if it is ready :woot: ) or next year. :confused: Then another 2 years or so before the next TES game. Yes, it really does take that long to make one of these. Actually it takes 5 to 6 years, and they are probably already well into the preliminary work on TES VI. A lot of this early work will be designs and story. For some reason Beth likes to redesign the wheel for every version ( look at how the various races have changed between versions for an example) Then, the Gambryo engine they have been using for the last 15 years is getting old ( the NEW! Creation engine they used for Skyrim is an updated version (Not exactly the same engine though) of the same old engine) And if they do adopt an actual new engine (64bit?), it could take even longer.

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I think we'll see VI. Skyrim was/is way too popular and successful, that I think it would be very surprising to not have a follow-up. That said, having ESO, it's possible it won't be out as soon as it may have been and/or it may end up being heavily influenced by ESO. Like others have said though, Fallout would seem to be next in line for a new game, and judging by past entries, we'd likely have to wait until at least 4 years and proably more after Skyrim.

Edited by ponyboy10
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I really don't get why people keep on comparing how WoW killed Warcraft to the idea that ESO might kill TES, even if it earns, unless they want to get a backlash from the community, especially when they left so much hanging in the lore.


WoW was from the start, intended to kill Warcraft strategy games. The reason why no Warcraft 4 was released is that the story was continued in game in WoW. It's set in the aftermath of WC3. There's no point in maing a Warcraft 4 when they have a vehicle as WoW to continue the story.


With ESO, it's set ONE THOUSAND YEARS BEFORE SKYRIM. Plus they have lots of material to work with in there, setting it in an area of nearly continuous war, with lots or lore and records missing from that time period. The story line is already roughly done for several DLCs to come, and they have the advantage of using the Dragonbreak occurence to possibly create an alternate timeline where they can diverge from the main lore, allowing TES to continue without any lore conflict. If it's a matter of income, they can rake in cash from both games at the same time, which Warcraft can't do, considering the problem of overlapping storylines.

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