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NPC Bug?


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Hey there I have a following Problem:

I have the alternate start mod by Arthmoor and everything was normal till I want to revistit helgen every NPC from the beginning (before helgen was attacked) survied and the stormcloaks and imperials fight aigainst each other. There was also Lokir who should be dead and he whorn other clothes than normal. A few Talmor were there, too and one was on the ground but he talked like a normal villan to my caracter. I also saw general tulius there and the questmarker to join the imperials jumped with him.


May it is also importand that a member fro the companions is aggassive that she attacks everyone. (She ist essential so it is an entless fight). I also wait three days but nothing happened and I also tried to delet end enable her but nothing changed.


Why my NPC's are acting so strange? May somebodey had the same Problem and found an answer to that.


P.S. I also have serval other mods but they have nothing to do with helgen. When you ask I'll make a list of those.

Edited by Sparkless
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There is nothing wrong with your game, its happing because the whole helgen start is scripted, you have bypassed the script for the dragon attack, cart ride and escape tuturial. so all the paople will still be there.

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