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Playtesting a map/mod


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I would go read the Oblivion tutorials since I guess they'd be more complete than the fallout ones, but still as applicable. But I'm running short on time, so I guess I'll throw down my questions here and cross my fingers.


What I want to do

Once the player has gone to "Data files", loaded the .esp file, and start playing, they spawn as a pre-created character in the map I have made.


What I think I need

How do I determine player starting location upon loading a map?

How do I pre-define a character for the player? (Stats, apparel, etc.)

As far as I understand, I need to edit the fallout.ini to change the starting map. Am I forced to use the STestFile and the COCmarker method?


EDIT: OK, so the COCmarker and the .ini editing got me started, but still, how do I pre-define the default character?


And, how do I add a voice clip to a holodisk?


Aaaand, how do I speed up refire rate while using the iron sights?

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for the character you have to go to the GECK.

i think that the one you have to change is player..it's in the map of NPC. it has normal stats ( all pointed 5)

there you can edit the player. ( one question --is this for an esp file?)

otherwise you have to change it on the ini's

hope this helps a bit.

gr deepside :biggrin:

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Actually to start as a predetermined character, you'd have to include a save game with your character. That way, you can have them start out exactly where you want. For example:

1) Create character

2) Open console, COC Integ3rWorld 0, 0 or whatever cell of your worldspace.

3) Go to exactly where you want them to start, and save.


Just include the save game with your mod and tell them to place it in Documents/My Games/Fallout3/SaveGames.

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for the character you have to go to the GECK.

i think that the one you have to change is player..it's in the map of NPC. it has normal stats ( all pointed 5)

Excellent! It worked. This will do for what I need.


there you can edit the player. ( one question --is this for an esp file?)

Yes it is.

otherwise you have to change it on the ini's

hope this helps a bit.

gr deepside :biggrin:

No need now, thankage.


If anyone would like to answer my other questions, feel free, or atleast point me to tutorials which have the answers.

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