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Huh? Propylon Chambers?


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Hi! My second topic since i created my account! A milestone :P


You may call me n00b but i think you were one to once.


Well, I know i need to use one of those index keys but what are they? Are they a key or a not substansial thing (i don't now if that's really a word, 'cus I'm Danish and a 8'th grader. Just guessing!) And again, how do i get them? Do i find them, or do i get 'em from a NPC?


Peter aka Ciedall

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There is an official plug in that gives you a quest from the leader of the Caldera Mages guild to collect all ten. Easier to do that (if you can play mods) than find them by luck. It's a free download available at lots of mod sites.
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