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Draco Mount Mod Request


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Today I was looking through very Mounts for your character and/or followers. The I came across http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8978/? (Armored SabreCat Mount). Unfortunately for me, the modder just stop his/her work on it. That is when I saw this picture:








I fell in love with this. Sadly to say, I can not mod my way out a hat even with the dummy book in hand. So if anyone could do this, or finish it...it would be great.


Personally I would just like the mount available as a horse is. No flute or spell summoning. If possible, be compatible with Convenient Herding and Horse so it can be apart of herd and have the perks. As far as the armor, I like what is there but a little more is nice. If you look at Convenient Horse mod armors...I like the travelers saddle. No fancy armors all over, but realistic saddle with bags, bedroll, things like that. Mable a bridal, if it does not effect the to much. Pretty much what the saddle looks like now. No flying required, No wings required. Like essential and I like that the Unicorn mod, original one, give damage to anything that attacks the mount. Also, and finally, a way to summon the mount back to if you get separated. Like I said earlier, I have Convenient Horses so I am sure a lot of my requests can be complete with the use of that mod if the mounts is made compatible with it.


The modder that originally started this, never finished or posted, is happy with you using some of his/her work. Just use the link above to check it out.

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im hoping someone finish that mod aswell, im eager to ride a wolf into battle

The wolf and sabrecat are actually finished. It is the Draco above, bear, elk, something else that was never finished.


i swear he didnt finished them, thanks for the heads up, downloading it now

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im hoping someone finish that mod aswell, im eager to ride a wolf into battle

The wolf and sabrecat are actually finished. It is the Draco above, bear, elk, something else that was never finished.


i swear he didnt finished them, thanks for the heads up, downloading it now


Yeah I downloaded them and could summon both the cat and wolf...they may not be 100% completed, but they seem to work just find for me. I just like the draco one better...wolf had saddle issues and cat I just plain did not like.

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