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United Soviet Socialist America Radio-A Radio Mod Idea


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I was listening to the Red Alert 3 theme the other day while playing a mod which puts a soviet base in the wasteland. I gave me an interesting idea for a comical/communist radio station. It combines the comedy of the Red Alert series with a communist spewing radio station that broadcasts songs from the Motherland! I already have an Idea for a couple broadcast intros, dialoge, and songs, as well as the cast.





Captain Vladimir Romanov



Private.Alexander Kukov

Colonel.Boris Volkov

Lt.Natasha Zhana





When the player first tunes in-

"Am I on, Good, greetings Americans, my name is Captain.Vladimir Romanov, and I am broadcasting from a secrect location to bring to you hope and to know that someone is accuatally out there who cares about you and wants to return the world to glory. We promise you we will prevail and to prove it, we will put posters everywhere that say we will! And we will also broadcast glorious songs from the motherland, like this one, enjoy comrades!"


One time event randomly in broadcast-


"*muffled chuckles* Hello comrades, my name is Boris Volkov, and I am going to play a joke on the Captain by letting you listen in on his "private briefing" with Leutendant.Nathasha Zhana. Here you go. Oh, and dont worry, I turned the translator on*Shuffling as the mircophone is put into place* Oh Natasha, you have such beautiful eyes, I would give you all of America if I could just stare at your eyes. And you have a gorgious body, those clothes look heavy lets get those off....Oh,Vlad your such a .....is..is that a mircophone? Are you broadcasting this!?! YOU *******! **** Damn it so, close. Boris, you son of a *****, I am going to murder you. *muffled* God damn you, Boris that was my shot with Natasha. Hey, It was just a *Gunshot* Ow, You shot me, what tha fu*Two more Gunshots* My Arm! My Fuc*Three Gunshots* AH*crying* Take Boris to the medical bay. *footsteps approach the mircophone* Well, Comrades, here is a song.


Randomly before song-

"Here is a song from great Mother Russia!*A loud scratching sound is heard* Oh for the sake of the Premier,stupid record, play right. One moment*the sound of a person banging on wood*there we go.Here is the song,Comrades "




1.Soviet March-Red Alert 3 theme

2.Soviet March-Red Alert 3 Uprising Main Menu theme

3.Soviet Anthem(Hymn of the Soviet Union)

4.Russian March

5.My Army

6.White Army,Black Baron


Hope you liked the Idea, there will of course be more if the mod is started, but I am no good with the GECK, so I will need help with scripting, get the music, finding mores songs, etc. Anyway, For the Motherland!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hmm, my third mod idea post and not even a reply for almost a month. Are my ideas really that bad? Come on, I thought this was accually my most orignal idea. But fine, I guess I was wrong, screw the idea.
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It's the problem with legality. You can't post a mod with content from other games and that includes music. You'd have to ask the downloaders to get the music...


There is actually a tutorial on the wiki about it that point to a lot, like youtube-vids about creating radio stations...why not trying it? Link

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a thing you could do is to simply use classical music, go back 50-60 years and nobody will complain about the copyrights.


and i think you mean the "Hell March" by Frank Klepacki (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb-gI_pFog0)

not that its not a nice song, but its german not russian (at least the only words used in it are german) and the copyright is still in place, so if you really wanna use em your choices would be:


1. legal : include a program, which rips a wav from the original C&C or his album

2. semilegal : include the songs and go with a note that says only people who own a copy of the song one way or another can use the mod

3 aka the not my problem solution : list the exact names of the songs required and include a txt file that lists in what folder and with which name they have to go there (this one gets you in no trouble with copyrights, but brace for the shitstorm thats about to rain down on you if you go with it, cause everyone who wants to use the mod will not only have to get the correct audio files (preferably with Checksum/md5) but would also have to convert them to .wav)


and just for completeness sake:

4. ask EA for permission to use the songs, which they might even give you if you pay big time for it

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  • 3 weeks later...
I see, hmm, I guess I could just not use the C&C music and focus on mainly 1950-60s russian marches as well as some songs from the Russian Civil War, since a few songs promote the Russian goverment/military without mentioning things like the white movement. Thanks for the help, if I can figure out the GECK, it will accually produce the this mod, if I can get voice actors, since I do a pretty bad russian accent. If any of you want to voice act if I can get the music and other nessery materials needed for this mod, please let me know by posting here or PMing me.
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I know its been only an hour since I posted, but I decide to attempt this mod dispite my lack of knowlage of the GECK. I already have 8 songs ready, thanks to Marxists.org, which are:

1. Bravely, comrades, to arms

2. If Tomorrow War comes

3. Invincible and Legendary

4. March of the defenders of Moscow

5. Moscow in May

6. Soviet Anthem- 1944 version

7. We Shall Fight Bravely

8. White Army, Black Baron


The site did not have all of the songs with english traslations, so I dont know if all of them dont match the Fallout atmosphere. Now, I just need to get the radio setup and scripted then get some voice actors and we are set for the USSA Radio to get underway!

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I am not the best artist, but I decided to created a little symbol for the station. I wish I could attach it,but it wont let me. I still need voice actors, and I am not sure whether I should keep posting here, or create a mod entry one the nexus with no files but a discription and request for help.

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