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Okay, I have seen many screen shots for those who submitted mods that we can download. I have seen their characters, sitting, laying, even as if they were soaking in a bath tub, I know how to take a screen shot, but what I want to know how to do is; make my character do animations so that I may take screen shots. Also, I know they can do them via sitting in a chair, bench, throne or bed, but these are in game objects, is there a way to do them in game, with out the use of a chair, bed or some object? If there is I would love to know, as it would make the game more fun, and when working on mods, and taking screen shots they look more fun too. Any help, and or advice I would greatly appreciate.
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For a start, you can download mods whic add new poses to the game. These poses are used to make the screenshots you'r thinking off :)

However, if you want to create new poses, all by yourself, you will have to learn how to use Blender or other 3d modeling programs. There are plenty of tutorials whic cover this subject.

(like this one...i think )

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