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Follower Request, NPC File Included


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So no matter what I do, and no matter how many instructions I follow, I can't seem to make my follower work with Apachii hair and HD brows.

The NPC file is here.

He requires Apachii hair and Brows. He is a Nord.

I would like him to be a 1H Melee with Lightfoot, in officer Legion armor with no helmet, essential, unique, doesn't affect stealth meter. I'd really like him set to Ally. Haughty male elf voice. Marriageable (though I know the voice isn't complete for that). Level with player, 1-100.

Aggressive, Neutral, Foolhardy, Any Crime.

If anyone is kind enough to make this mod for me, I'd very much appreciate it. If you DO want to do it, and I haven't provided enough, please let me know.

Edited by Draconity
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Can it wait till tuesday? I don't have internet at home and go into town on tuesdays... I could make it within a few min... could you put a screenshot of his face tho?(with the right hair)

It can absolutely wait!! I'll get up the info tomorrow :)

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The screenshot from his creation is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/syqm3fcggstyyn5/2014-04-04_00001.jpg


I also made some tweaks and reuploaded the .npc file and reuploaded. And I updated my list of things I actually want, above. You know, because I haven't made an NPC, I keep forgetting what all fields need to be filled in.


You're the best for even wanting to try. Thanks tons.

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Alternately, if anybody in the meantime would like to give it a shot, I'd love it. Or, if you would help me figure out what I'm doing wrong, that'd be even better.


So far I've gotten it to work except for two things:


1) There's no option for him to follow me, and

2) His head is a different color from his body. >.o

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1. Probably forgot to put him in the CurrentFollowerFaction with a value of -1


2. Didn't export his face... (don't remember exactly how to do it but you should be able to look it up fairly easy...)

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