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Modifying the fcbs and xmls


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So I've been trying to apply some changes to the nomadobjecttemplates and entitylibrary but I must be doing something wrong because none of the changes have any effect at all. I must have gone through inakrin's tutorial (http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/905362-guide-on-rearm-pirates-and-mercs/) about fifteen times but it just doesn't work. Other people seem to be able to apply changes without any problems so I was wondering if there's something I'm overlooking. I put the modified fcb files in the generated folder of both the patch, igepatch and common files and it still doesn't work. Surely I'm doing something wrong here...

By the way I'm trying to apply these changes to the map editor but they don't work ingame either.

Thanks a lot!

Edited by GCVos
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Don't know anything about getting mods to work in the map editor.


What tool did you use to unpak the patch.dat & patch.fat files? I used Rick's Gibbed Dunia2 tool......................so that's what I'm familiar with.


What files are you trying to change or tweak?


How are you trying to change them?

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I'm using the Gibbed tools as well, and notepad++/Razor's binhex converter. The weird thing is I've had no trouble modding elements like textures:




However any changes I make to nomadobjecttemplates and entitylibrary do not seem to affect the game at all.


Been trying to change the default AK47/74 to the flare gun by changing the ''playereditor'' string (binhex 706C61796572456469746F7200), as well as change some of the AI weapons (inakrin's tutorial). I checked to make sure all the strings are correct and changed BinHex to UInt64 where needed. But whatever I change to WeaponsService.xml it has no effect on the game to the point where I'm thinking the game ignores the fcb entirely.


I've also set U100 firerate to 200 (weaponproperties/FC3/U100/iFireRate) just to see if it would work. But again, the change has no effect. So I don't really know what I'm doing wrong because I've followed all the necessary steps and conversions/repacks. I've also doublechecked if there might by any conflicting files but no luck.


Thanks for your help!!


edit: Alright so I rechecked everything and the changes seem to partially affect singleplayer (U100) but not the editor. Also the npc weapons are still the same. I also tried to repack the ige.dat file with the modified fcbs to see if that might work but to no avail.

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All the changes/tweaks I've made are for SP, and I've done nothing with textures....................you're far ahead of me on that (likely stay that way as it's not anything I'm interested in messing with; LOL).


I've done extensive editing to the weapon stats (as well as enemy NPC armor levels); converted several weapons to semi auto only, tightened up the shotguns pread, changed a bunch of weapon fire rates, changed store/item pricing, as well as blending bits from two mods into the main mod I'm using. All were done only with Ricks dunia2 tool set.


I've got notepad++ and Razors BinHex tool........................just started looking into learning them to edit what NPC carries what weapon. This is the second time I've tried to follow Inarkins how to change weapons up tutorial. It was a total wash for me last August. Last night; I did figure out how to open up, and convert the first couple of HEX code strings he refers to in his tutorial. The problem for me is he's writing instructions for a fairly complicated series of steps in what is a non native language for him, and he seems to assume a base modding knowledge in his students; I don't possess.


I've been in contact (via PM) with Dziggy (the author of Ziggys Mod) in the last couple days; in regards to the NPC weapon change up referred to above. I suggest you give him a PM bump with some; or all of your issues to see if he'd be willing to advise, or help!


The link below is the FC3 Mod/Pack tutorial that got me started with the Dunia2 tools set. It's really just for stat/store price, etc. changing (no retextures or Binary EX code editing). Wasn't sure if this would be helpful or not. Keep me posted if you make some headway with your efforts. Again............................great looking retextures!


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Haha thanks :D


Yeah all those binhex strings are daunting. Images I can understand and dissect pretty easily, since they have fairly distinctive names and require only one conversion, but these pages full of code are like rocket science to me.


Ziggy helped me out earlier when I got into this and so did MrPingy. I actually asked ziggy if he could find a way to change the editor player settings but I don't think that's his expertise either. Anyway I'll send him a pm again, maybe he knows the answer.

I actually watched that video already and it was quite helpful but doesn't solve the obstacles I'm walking into.


Just to sum up what I wanna do to make Dead Cry more survivalist, it's as follows (don't expect anybody to have done this before in the editor, as far as I'm aware there are only one or two real editor mods):


Change default Player AK47 to Flare Gun or 6P9

Reset unlimited ammo to 10 rounds

Reset grenades from 99 to 0

Change all pirates to wield a Machete (effectively changes them into zombies)


Other changes are optional but these are the things I've been trying to figure out for months. I've already been prepping textures and replacement dialogs for the pirates so they'll look and sound like zombies.

Apply changes through any given file (patch, igepatch, ige, common) as long as it works. I tried all four options but again I must be changing the wrong strings or something.


Thanks again for the help so far!

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Player default AK47??? Do you mean default as it's the first pick up gun you can get at game start (besides the .45 auto you have to buy in the tutorial first mission? Or are you talking about a mod you're trying to create? Locking or unlocking weapons for the beginning of the SP campaign is pretty easy if that's what you mean. It's done in the


C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\FarCry 3\data_win32\patch\generated\databases\generic\shoppingitems\weapons category you wish to lock/unlock


Is that what you meant by default AK47?


I think the SP player starter ammo limits are in the weaponsservice.xml with all that **** Binary HEX code. Is that what you mean? Or are you talking about ammo limits in the craftable ammo pouches?

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I'm talking about the default AK when you spawn in the map editor. Same with ammo. Couldn't really care less about the sp campaign lol. :tongue:


http://www.nexusmods.com/farcry3/mods/136/? :wink:


The map editor spawns the player with an AK and unlimited ammo. I wanna change this to what I mentioned above, but haven't found a way to do so in many many months...

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