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No self-shadows or shadows on the ground.


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First off, I've got all of my settings maxed, except distant land is off. I'm also using QTP3, body/armor replacers, and Streamline(Streamsmooth is disabled, however).


The problem is, actors(both PC and NPC) are not casting shadows on the ground or on themselves with self-shadows enabled. The fact that self-shadowing doesn't work doesn't really surprise me, but usually when it doesn't work there's glitchy shadows on the actors, but I've got nothing at all. I'm assuming the fact that there are no shadows on the ground has to do with QTP3. Shadows render fine on trees and grass and all that kind of stuff.


I've tried combing through and editing settings in the ini, but have not reached a solution. I used to run a similar game configuration with a X1950 and I don't recall having this issue with it. I'm using a 4830 now.


I have a feeling this is something incredibly simple that I'm just not realizing. Someone please enlighten me.


Edit: By the way, I have distant land turned off, because any time the option is on, all nearby ground textures change to that purplish map of the Imperial City. Is there a solution to this? I've got to say, though; considering how heavily modded my installation is, Oblivion is running incredibly stably and looks great, aside from these issues.

Edited by madeintheshade
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Streamline is intended to help people with weak graphics. It does this by changing video settings on the fly - trading video features for FPS. If you have a good Video card you do not need streamline. One of the first settings it gets rid of is shadows of any kind. Try disabling streamline altogether and see if your shadows reappear. Remember to go into your video settings and reset them as that is what streamline changes, and they will still be at the last setting until you make the change manually.


Purple ground


Edited 4/25/09 - added link to shaders - Thanks Qwaxalot


I believe this is caused by a group of files called shaders. These files can be different for different graphics cards. If they somehow get the wrong shaders installed one of the results is the terrain in the foreground is purple. The shader package is based on your particular graphics card and is installed when you first install Oblivion.


I have seen 4 possible fixes for this problem.


The easiest is to go into your in game menu, (esc) select video and make sure your texture size is set to large.


The second involved the textures from unique landscapes. reinstalling them fixed it.


The third is replacing the shaders, see this: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20348 Thanks to Qwaxalot for this tip

The shaders may be graphic card dependent, I'm not sure on this.


The fourth involves loading patches in the wrong order and the only way to fix that one is to reinstall in the right order. Note that the oblivion uninstaller leaves behind your saves, mods (data) and some entries in the Windows registry. These will still be there after you have reinstalled. So if You have a problem with a mod causing the problem or a bad save or a bad Registry entry, The problem may still be there.


My recommended uninstall and reinstall leaves you with a clean install. And your original mods and saves in a separate folder that you can put back into the new game. Or you can start over and install your mods again.

See this for my recommendation for uninstalling and reinstalling Oblivion. http://s1.zetaboards.com/TheStormRavenLibrary/topic/344290/


Please leave some feedback to let me know what works. Thanks


For more hints in setting up your ini check this site: http://www.tweakguides.com/

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All it was was mismatched shaders, apparently. Downloading the original shaders fixed everything - distant land and all of the shadows. Amazing. Thanks for the tip and the link.


Looking through my downloaded mods directory, I believe 'Qarl and Timeslips Depth of Field' caused this. It's no big deal since I don't particularly care for the effect.


After hours of time invested in tweaking and getting it stable, I finally get to play!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes, Qarl and Timeslips Depth of Field MOD can create the purple ground problem because of the way the original ZIP version replaced the shaders.


However, downloading the OMOD version fixes it.


Be sure to first replace the original Oblivion shaders before you install the OMOD.

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