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Deleting a needed .esm from a mod?


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I'm working on a mod, but I figured out that the SCK(Skyrim Creation Kit) loads up every .esm that you have in your directory. Now I have trouble opening the CK because two .esm files(Update.esm & Dragonsreach_hideout.esm) share the same file(or something).

I get this error:


FORMS: Non-parent NAVI form " (00012FB4) exists in both file 'DragonsReach_Hideout.esm' and 'Update.esm'


When I click Yes to All I get this error:




File C:\_Skyrim\Code\TESV\TES Shared\misc\BGSLocalizedString.ccp


Line: 2860

LOCALIZATION: Error opening or reading strings file.


I've tried cleaning the files with TESVSnip and TES5Edit, but none of this seemed to work. I'm not planning on using these .esm files for my mod but when I uncheck them they still load up and when I delete them I get the error:


"Missing needed .esm file 'DragonsReach_Hideout.esm' (Same with Update.esm)


Is there any way to "disconnect" an .esm from the mod(.esp) file?

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