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Looking for mod suggestions for a 2nd run of Oblivion


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Hi there. I played Oblivion when it first came out and while it was a great game it became a little monotonous, and felt kind of plain and lifeless in general.

I've decided to give the game another go, this time enhanced with some of the mods out there. However there are so many I really don't know even where to begin looking.

I was hoping I could get suggestions here for the type of mods I'm looking for. I'm also looking to install as few mods as possible, and rather just install a couple of "community overhauls" or mod packs.

I want to basically bring the game to life, so to speak. The original to me felt lifeless and plain. An interface overhaul would be nice, and I think there's a popular mod floating around for that. I'd also like whatever mod(s) is most popular out there to improve the graphics and overall visual appearance of the game. I want it to look as pretty as possible, with all the shining armor and ornamented swords and lovely magic effects and whatnot, as well as updated graphics in the technical aspect, to bring it up to date with the latest hardware.

As far as the gameplay I'm looking for whatever mod is the standard out there that balances and/or improves all the gameplay and questing aspects of the game. I'm also a sucker for atmosphere so anything that enhances it is also welcome.

I'm a casual RPG player so I really just want to enhance the overall experience as much as possible. I don't have any kind of special tastes since I'm not a hardcore RPG player. Just looking to enhance and improve the experience as much as possible. As stated before I favor a few larger mod packs over a collection of a million smaller mods.

I hope that sums it up, I'll trust the judgement and good taste of the users here in their suggestions. Thanks in advance

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hey, take a look at the List of Lists, there's A LOT of mods deserving your attention.


As for my personal tastes I'd suggest you try either OOO or FCOM for a bunch of new creatures, items, and extra features, some UI mod like darkNified UI and finally a few more to alter the gameplay like adjustments or complete overhauls of jumping, fatigue, stealth, combat, etc. Add some big mod of the kind of items you want to see (weapons, clothes, armor, etc) and a texture enhancer if your graphic card can afford it, and with this you'll have a brand new game. Once you get used to this new world go and try some quest mod, there's a lot of them too.

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I don't know if it's on that big list, but my top three are:


3. OOO, because it sets enemy difficulty levels, so they don't level with you, and it puts new treasures in each dungeon so you really have motivation to explore them again.


2. Deadly Reflex, because chopping off heads is fun.


1. Better Music System, because it lets you customize the music to your tastes, even so far as disabling battle music. Man, what a difference it makes!!! I now use the battle tracks as regular music in Forts for a hectic atmosphere.

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The best thing you can do is to go into http://www.tesnexus.com/ and browse the mod categories. Some of the list in the list page mentioned above are outdated.


I found the fighting mechanics somewhat stale(i play StreetFighter3 a lot) so i got a few mods from the combat section. Don't forget to look at the weapons and armors too!


IF your computer has more than adequate power to run Ob then download some graphical upgrades. There's a while-turning blur effect and a blur effect that changes intensity based of how fast you can move, search for "blur" in tesnexus.com


One really cool thing i found is the Gears Of War cam mod.


And... i dont wanna brag or anything, but my parry and cancel mod is a nice little combat upgrade. it nullifies damage taken if you press block when you get hit, you can cancel power attacks by pressing block, and you can cancel into a parry too.

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Yeah of course they work with official mods/expansions, but maybe you'd have to install also the unofficial patch for the official mods as well as the unofficial patch for oblivion itself in addition to the official patches to avoid minor issues, that's all.

I've never found a mod that conflicts with the official mods, rather I've found so many that rely on those mods, so you may assume that unless it's stated otherwise, every mod is compatible with bethesda mods.

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