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Hey everyone. I have finally played through all the quests in Fallout 3 and all 5 expansions, now I need something else to do. I am hoping someone can suggest a well made quest mod or two for me to play. I currently have these quest mods:


-Reykjavik (Played WIP, lost interest, is it finished yet?)

-RTS (Love it, still playing it.)

-The Collector. (Playing it, but it's getting old.)

-To sleep, perchance to dream. (Played it, I thought it was o.k.)

-A note easily missed. (Played it, liked it better than "To sleep')

-An evening with Mr. Manchester (Haven't played it yet)

-In the shadow of the swamp. (Haven't played it yet.)

-Megaton Contracts. (Haven't played it yet.)


So, with the exception of the above mentioned mods, what would you suggest my fellow players?


Thanks for your input,


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Thanks for the suggestions guys. Keep 'em coming people.


Honeybiscuit, I don't use overhaul mods, I have found that they cause the most instability in my own experience. The more a mod changes the greater chance something will get bugged and start causing random crashes. My game runs really well now, I only have CTD's or freezes every once in a blue moon and I have no wish to change that, lol.

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