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Fallout 3 Loadout causing CTD?


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Hi guys, Im having CTDs with Fallout 3 as I've mentioned above and was wondering if it could be the loadout.


I HAVE edited the ini for performance but nothing that is considered risky (i.e fpscount = 60) so I don't believe it's that, besides which I restored the original ini and still had the same problem. I'm using archiveinvalidation validation, all the mods work (apart from one skin problem) but still have CTDs. I've tried checking the xp compatability mode and I'm launching the game through FOMM.


Below is my loadout order, have I missed anything that should be with some of these mods? are any in the wrong order?


Any feedback and help you can offer would be really appreicated,


Also, I'm having trouble with the skins of the prostituion mode, I enable the "rude skins" in game and all i get is floating heads. I did manage to solve this but I don't know how, lol. Again, any help or solution offered would be really appreciated.


Thanks guys. I hope I've provided enough info on the problem.



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Download FO3Edit by ElminsterAU and Miax's Guide on how to use FO3Edit. It is a great tool for conflict resolution and easy to use once you get the hang of it. Almost all mod incompatibilities can be resolved in less than 10 minutes worth of work in FO3Edit.


The "floating" head issue is caused by missing resources. Make sure that the required textures/meshes are installed. Get body replacer mods -- Dimon's Type3 is quite common and BABE is good as well (the others are good too, but there's this alpha-channel compatibility thing to deal with) for females and Breeze's male body replacer for males. There are also armor replacers for the above (replaces the default armor meshes to be body-compatible).


Specifically, in the case of the Animated Prostitution mod (if I remember right), Breeze's body is used (for men) and it works with Type3/BABE for females.


Hope this helps.

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