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Nif in blender toubles


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I have done every tutorial about nif int to blender. I went even to the Blender 1.46 to 1.49. The pyffi and to richt clik on the pyffi to go into the compatible well there is no option to make it run in me or xp. I guess I will not be able to use it since I have vista 64. I have done everything that everyone suggested nothing works. :wallbash:
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blender should be able to run fine on vista64. you cant run the actual installer though, you need to download the .zip file and unpack it from the blender download page.



you also need this: its a C++ redistribution package. and make sure that you have the newest python installed as well as the pyFFI (unless python comes in that zip)


also make sure you install those things as administrator


if that still doesnt work, can you be more specific about where you get stopped?




edit: rereading your post, i realized you might be talking about the nifscripts specifically, not just running blender on vista. for that i can only recommend making sure youve installed everything as admin and make sure you have the latest nifscrips


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