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Doc Brown's Rifle?


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Hey gang,


Been modding for a few months now, had a few fun ideas about certain things that would be awesome (specialising in "within lore" ideas). Few weeks ago I was watching Back To The Future 3 and it hit me like a frying pan in the face...


Doc Brown's Rifle.


How awesome was it? You could basically just take the Lincoln Rifle and add a few customisations to it and that'd be that. Hardest part would most likely be the scope but hell, I'm not a modeller or texture artist in any sense, but it's just a thought all the same.



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Heh, I started this a few months back:




Recording of it in action.


The pics/vids are a little out of date (I've fixed the clipping and the texture up a bit since they were taken) All that's left to do is cleaning up the textures and balancing the weapon in the Contruction Set. I'll try and find some newer screenshots later, and maybe even finish the mod :P


Here's a reference screen grab from the film:


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