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Stats jumbled up all of a sudden.


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Has anyone experienced this before...?


My main 7 stats got jumbled up and all of them went back to 0% progress. My conjuration was previously 50, now my mysticism is 50 but conjuration is 37. My Blade and light armour were both in the 40s but now they are both 34.


The minor stats like security which isn't my main 7 jumped back to 6. All of them.


Level progress bar is also 0% when it should have been 90%.

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Did you try to change your character's appearance? If you do not do it properly, it will mess up your stats. In addition, some of the weirdness might be caused by having unequipped skill-boosting armor, jewlery etc.. or by the duration of some enchantment wearing out. Otherwise, I don't know
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Did you try to change your character's appearance? If you do not do it properly, it will mess up your stats. In addition, some of the weirdness might be caused by having unequipped skill-boosting armor, jewlery etc.. or by the duration of some enchantment wearing out. Otherwise, I don't know


I did try to change my character's appearance.

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When you do this, DO NOT PRESS 'done". You need to press escape, then make a saved game. Load that game, and your character will be back in the game world with the appearance changes made. Now, though, looks like to avoid trouble, you might need to power-level your stats with the console.
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When you do this, DO NOT PRESS 'done". You need to press escape, then make a saved game. Load that game, and your character will be back in the game world with the appearance changes made. Now, though, looks like to avoid trouble, you might need to power-level your stats with the console.


THanks, I don't think I'll need to power-level my stats. I'm fine with leveling normally again.


By the way, lets say I level blade 10 times up and got to level up. I went to jail and lost 10 levels in blade. Will it be like an exploit? That you can keep leveling up like that?

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