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An idea for the Shivering Isles

Harabec Weathers

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I for one love the Shivering Isles, its a lot of fun in a very unique landscape. Love it.


However, it seems to me that the rewards at the end are a bit...lackluster. The Protection spell you get is cool, but the staff is pretty much useless beyond looking cool. Same with his outfit.

It just seems to me that you people call you Lord Sheogorath for nothing.


What I think would have been a really unique ending to the Shivering Isles main quest, instead of simply soaking the staff in the font of madness, how about you would need to bind yourself to Oblivion. Pretty much like what Umaril did in Knights of the Nine.

He bound himelf to Oblivion and thus became part deadra.

Of course becoming part daedra would mean that you would inherit new powers, like resistnace to fire, magic, weakness to shock. Plus you would be immortal! If you got killed youre soul would return to the waters of Oblivion and you could return through the Tree of Madness of something.


I mean if you think about it, how can a mortal take the place of a Daedric Prince? Mortals die of old age eventually lol. So lets say for arguments sake, you rule the Shivering Isles for many many years, but get old and die. What happens to the Realm of Sheogorath, what happens to the Madgod? Daedra cant die so theres no way a mortal should be able to become the new madgod (as Haskill said) if he does not bind himself to Oblivion and become on the Daedra.


To me all of that happening would made the Shivering Isles much much much more complete.


But thats just me ya know.

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Well, as nice as that would be, what would happen if you had done the knights of the nine quest before completing any of the SI quests? I truly doubt any of your blessings of talos or your crusader apparel would match.


An anyway, there has been a lot of emphasis on mortals becoming immortal, like Tiber Septim, who became an Aedra. Hey, after what you've done in the SI, I think becoming Sheogorath is a nice benefit. (and besides, no one else is qualified)


And I'm sure a single proficient modder could make a mod that adds daedriadic bonuses, like resitance to fire, weakness to shock, etc, butit would kind of make it extremely easy to kill other daedra, i.e, scamps. :)

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I got excited when Haskill told me that as Sheogorath, it would be my duty to defend the realm, either through giving orders to my troops, or going to battle as a lone hero. But so far, there have only been two small attacks by normal wilderness creatures. I suspect that is all there was and there will never be any more. The attacks were sort of pathetic. There was less fighting than on a normal journey from Crucible to the Fringe.
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