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CS mod making unwanted changes


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Recently, I decided to create a new race of Khajiit for my CM Partners so that getting a custom texture on my partner would not interfere with my own face. which is all fine and good. In the process of creating the new race/texture, I got a little happy with the idea of having my own race and made some other modifications to the custom race. It works fine.


The problem is that in the process of this, I managed to somehow tell my .esp file to read modifications made to the standard khajiit race, also. This causes my new Khajiit race .esp file to overwrite any mods made to the standard Khajiit race, which is rather annoying. (For instance, I use a patch to direct the female foot texture to a separate file than the male foot texture.)


Obviously, the simple solution (which works) is to make the .esp for the new race honour my preferred changes for the normal khajiit race. But doing this would also cause the .esp to interfere with the normal khajiit race for anyone else who might, in the future, use my mod. Long story short, I just want the "asterisk" in my new race's .esp to disappear so that it will stop acknowledging that the file is even meant to make any change to the standard khajiit race so that the other .esps will do what they're supposed to. I have attempted to use Gecko to clean the file, and it reverts any changes in the khajiit file back to normal -- but this doesn't stop it from overwriting my normal khajiit changes. I also suppose load order would resolve the issue, but that really shouldn't be necessary for a mod that simply adds a new race?


Is there a way to remove this asterisk and effectively tell the file that it's not to make any changes to the standard khajiit race -- without recreating the entire mod?

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Pronam, I was about to post the same link, when I read yours I didn't see it.


TES Construction Set Wiki Mod Cleaning tutorial




For your mod, I'm not sure you even need a tool, you can do a lot of cleansing in the Construction Set:


As directed in the wiki, find your mod and select it, then choose the Details radio button (circled)




For me its easiest to click on the heading "Type" in the File Details pop-up window, which will sort the contents so you can easily find the race entry you're looking to remove. Read through that tutorial carefully so you will understand how to remove the bad entry properly, and why sometimes you need a separate tool.


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