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Hello to anyone who is reading this :thumbsup: i have recently gone into obsession of making a working companion and sadly i have no scripting knowledge but i did find this program : Easy Companion share (mod by reznod). I followed some of the instructions given in a wiki (www.oblivionmodwiki.com). However it seems that i can never get my character to talk to me it only has rumors on it further more there was this one time my *companion* just went mad and killed everybody LOL (i think it was the level of agression i set) Anyway, Thanks to whoever can help me! :thanks:
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If your companion has aggression as high as 15, she is likely to go on a killing rampage and get a bounty on her head. Companions can't pay bounties themselves, so she will battle with every guard she encounters from then on. You might need to put a way for you to pay off her bounty in your mod. Aggression of 5 is safest, but sometimes it glitches and turns her into a coward who runs from mudcrabs. You may even have to have an aggression adjustment in your mod to keep your companion from either murdering everyone or fleeing from rats.


To get your companion talking, give her a "Say Once" greeting which has [MyCustomDialogTOPIC] in the Add Topic box as the result. You can then put custom lines you want her to say in the topic you create -- MyCustomDialogTOPIC in this example. You could give her many custom greetings, have many dialog topics, and have her be quite a conversationalist if you wish. Just use "Add Topics" or "Choices" when introducing new things to talk about.

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