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New Monsters and Creatures


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I am working on 2 creatures I hope to release, but they arn't really even near done at the moment


I have the Centisheep, which is a 15 foot long sheep with 20 legs, and the Wasteland Penguin, which is a large chicken that is covered with lizard like skin


It is all saposed to be part of my farm in my mod, but I will probly have some wild Wasteland Penguins that will attack you, but they would be pretty weak


I am also planning on makeing some sort of horse, but not a regular horse, but a mutated horse. I just havn't decided on an idea on how exactly I want to mutate the horse yet.


The Sheep sounds insane. 20 legs is a bit much. As for the Penguins... how did get in the wasteland. It is mentioned in Fo2 that chickens still exist... though the only "chicken" shown is actually a deathclaw who's eggs were being used to make omlets. BIG omlets.


If you want to do a farm mod... one serious sugestion: Rats. Normal old rats and lots of them.


I am also planning on makeing some sort of horse, but not a regular horse, but a mutated horse. I just havn't decided on an idea on how exactly I want to mutate the horse yet.


Sorry to be buzzkill mclore but horses are extinct. :whistling: But who cares about lore!


How do you know. I speak as a lunatic die hard old school lunatic fan, but there's no reason some form of mutated esquine couldn't be around.

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With Broken Steel, at level 30 deathclaws become little lizard-puppys, a thing I would like to see is a mod that gives a new Deathclaw to the wasteland that starts appearing post lvl 25 or something like that. Not just a rescaled deathclaw, but with a new skin or minimal changes to the model (apart from the stat changes) I know there are mods for that, like MMM, but it comes with like 20 billion extra creatures that I particurally don't like, sory for that :P

so, we would have the common deathclaws and the.. I don't know, "elder deathclaw"? stalking you in the wasteland, and this could even be considered cannon.

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The Sheep sounds insane. 20 legs is a bit much. As for the Penguins... how did get in the wasteland. It is mentioned in Fo2 that chickens still exist... though the only "chicken" shown is actually a deathclaw who's eggs were being used to make omlets. BIG omlets.


It isn't a penguin though...


it is a chicken


that is called a "Wasteland Penguin"

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