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Where do the captives go?


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Can someone tell me where the captives run to after you free them from the mutants. I’ve tried following them but they never last long, they all tend to die horribly after I’ve saved them.


I'm pretty certain they just "run" until they leave your viewing range and then get removed from the game (aka digital nirvana)


the only ones that actually go somewhere are the ones in GermanTown


as an argument for my theory i would say, that the "normal" captives have no names and no purpose.


so just take their stuff and enjoy the karma

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They run out of sight and despawn. If you DO somehow manage to keep them alive and follow them, they'll run around for a loooooong time. Some people have reported close to two hours of random crisscrossing across the capital wasteland until finally running beyond the edge of the map and then despawning.
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