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Pacifist Fallout Experience - Could it work?


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I am exploring taking fallout 3 for a relatively bloodless experience, the ultimate good guy. :rolleyes: As a result, I will be playing with some houserules, including non-lethal takedowns for all humans (animals don't count) and I'm somewhat undecided about mutants..


What are some mods / houserules to make this sort of game fun/workable?


I am already planning on using the tranq. weapons mod.


:thanks: for your suggestions!



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wow....not really sure there...


seeing as its kill or be killed out there....


Unless you just wanna blaze through the main quest with "minimal" kills or sumthin...


its not like the badies come gunnin for ya and ya turn to them and say... "Cant we all just....get along?"



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Robo-killing sounds like a hilariously fun way to do this. ;D Do knocked out enemies still count for XP purposes, or is the character also likely to advance slower?


The stealth idea sounds great too. I'll have to investigate the best perks to go with that sort of character.


I know FO3 is classically not that sort of game, but a genuine RPG should have alternatives, and that is a strength of 3 over 1/2.


Thanks Skotte & Marko-dash for your ideas!



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You might be able to edit the game in the GECK and set yourself as part of all factions. Then you might not be attacked unless you attack. XP isn't given for knock downs though. Only kills as far as I've ever seen. You can get hacking and picking XP.


:thanks: Thanks for the suggestion!



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In vanilla (yes vanilla) you can have 8 followers with a glitch- with the right ones, you can kill anything without laying a finger on anything. I've killed a behemoth without firing a shot, lol. (you WILL want ranged weapons, and if you have a fat man- only give one of the followers one, lol- open spaces only!) But yeah, I never go on a raid without a good group, but they die from doing stupid stuff, so beware of frustration if your using followers to kill stuff for you. Other than that I can't think of anything right now.
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