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New to Fallout 3... Help With Adding Mods?


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I just got FO3 GOTY Edition (Game of the Year), and I'm new to adding mods, such as

  1. FOIP
  2. FWE
  3. FOMM
  4. MMM
  5. XFO
  6. FOOK ( I might not get it)
  7. ArchiveInvalidationValidated! (Of course)
  8. FOSE


I have a couple of those, such as FOMM and AIV, but i'm confused with the huge overhauls and script extenders (FOSE). Plus all the compatibility stuff would really confuse me.


I'm kind of new and I know I'm probably asking a lot from whoever is going to try and help me, but I'd be forever indebted to whoever could really give me some compatibility help.


Thanks in advance!


- KamiCosmic

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Bumping In the hopes that someone can give me some help.


The biggest thing is to not fear of messing up its not like Call of duty 4 where u cant undo here u can so. with the FOSE just follow directions. Do as stated copy all dll and put into directory where the geck and fallout exe. are then put the loader exe there and wheat ever else. after that erase all of short cuts of fallout3 and re add short cuts this is to refresh short cuts that have the fose you just installed. The FWE is a very great mod. Download both so if you see the the red suitcase just place it into the data directory of fallout go throught the computer way. the c then programs etc. Im learning also trust me its just as fun building as it is playing and the FWE will make you wanna start all o ver.

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