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All my Texture upgrades...poof!


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Here's a strange item. I am running dozens of mods including several texture enhancements including Project Beauty, overmightygold, hi res books, hi res money and numerous others. I was happily playing and noticed that my once beautiful companions were not quite as attractive. My crisp pre-war moola was dirty and dingy, my books were plain. What Happened? I've tried reloading the mods, I've checked for conflicts, I'm not sure what's going on, anyone got some insights? I did just load the mod Hair Pack by Yoshikinakota but I don't have it in use. I also just started the Arefu Expanded mod. I doubt that has anything to do with it, but you never know.
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I was going to scoff at that suggestion but...it worked! Thanks bunches. Now...why did it happen at all? Not that I'm complaining, just curious. Anyone know?
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It happens because Fallout3 doesn't check the /Data folder for overrides unless: (a) the resources are pathed and named in archiveinvalidation.txt or (b) you use ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated ... this then forces Fallout3 to utilize the Data folder's sub-directories for custom content.
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