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Broken Mercantile Skill


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My mecantile skill is stuck at the bottom of Lv. 26. No matter how much I buy/sell, it won't budge.


This causes me to wonder: can a skill level be limited according to the stat level that governs it? Or have I just encountered an unfortunate bug? Either way, I would really like a way to get my skill up to where it's supposed to be.


Any suggestions?

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I don't think you realize it, but that was a little insulting.


Of course I haggle. Every time. But the level-up meter will not move any higher now no matter what I do. I'm guessing it's just a bug, which brings me to ask if there is anything (mods, fixes) that can rectify the error.

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You could try adding a point to your mercantile with the console and see if that kicks it into gear again.


This sounds intriguing. Please eplain further, specifically what you mean by "the console." If you just mean fortifying the skill and then doing some buying, it doesn't work.


I have considered getting it up with some training to see if that helped, but as far as I can tell, it got stuck AFTER I got the free level reward for the Hackdirt quest. Once bit, twice shy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yup I had this same glitch from the training Seed-Neeus gives you after the Shadow Over Hackdirt quest (360 version).


Do you have the latest Oblivion patch installed? Apparently this was a known problem in older versions of the game but was fixed later.




Also this is from UESPWIKI:


"Skill Level is Frozen


Note: This has been corrected by the Oblivion 1.1.511 patch.


There is a glitch with Free Skill Boosts that causes the skill that received the boost to become temporarily frozen at the new, boosted level. This glitch is most obvious with large skill boosts (e.g., from reading the Oghma Infinium, completing the A Shadow Over Hackdirt quest, or from watching Branwen and Saliith train in the Arena District). The progress bar next to the skill level is stuck at zero, even when the skill is used repeatedly. Eventually, the skill will start to go up again, but it can take quite a while. More details on this bug are provided on the Free Skill Boosts page."

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