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You get 30 days free, but it's hidden behind a paywall...wtf?


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Zenimax Online studios has decided to challenge EA for Consumerists Golden Poo awards, apparently.

We all expected to pay a sub fee. No surprise there. ZOS told us we'd all get 30 days free time, after which we need to pay the monthly fee to keep playing. No worries, that's standard for Pay to Play MMO's. What they didn't tell us was that they were going to hide this free time behind a fracking paygate. Meaning, they want proof that you have a payment method and you have to supply it before you can do the thirty days. This is standard for things like Netflix. This is not STANDARD for MMO games. World of Warcraft lets you have thirty days with the purchase of their game for new accounts. So do many others. I didn't find this out until I'd already paid for copies for myself and my partner. No one refunds software, and while I could do a chargeback, that would be a huge hassle, and besides, it isn't the point. I want what they promised, how it was promised.

I am so disappointed and mad right now. this is not about not having money to pay, etc. blah di blah blah. This is about we were told there's be 30 days free, not 30 days but you have to hand over payment info to get it. and in many cases it, isn't just a one dollar auth: they're trying to get the whole amount up front. Son, I am disappoint.

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Okay, first off, you need to set up a subscription to receive your free 30 days, this is standard in EVERY MMO, including World of Warcraft. Second off, why are you complaining? Are you only going to be playing your 30 days and then be done? Third off, you can cancel your account before the 30 days is up, so what are you worried about? Did you buy this game with the intention of only playing 33-35 days?

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