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The wasted GECK


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I might be a little slow, but something finally occurred to me.


The GECK was an amazing terraforming device akin to the Genesis Device from "Star Trek 2, the Wrath of Khan."


It had the power to transform a big chunk of the surrounding wasteland into a Edenlike paradise.


So what does dear old Dad do?


He throws it all away to make some lousy fresh water!!! The GECK would have given him plenty of water anyway, along with plenty of plants, fertile soil, a clean, radiation-free zone, and all that jazz.



For such a smart guy, he sure was dumb.



I always thought it would be cool if there was a mod which revealed a message in the GECK, which was SUPPOSED to play upon normal activation, revealing the location of a secret vault containing seeds, fertilizer, books, supplies, building materials, good equipment and more.. you know, the things you'd need to rebuild the world.

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Interesting you should say that. I am new to this game, and though I am quite enjoying it (mostly), it would be much more appealing to me if the gameplay was centred on finally bringing recovery to the world.


Going around killing things is...ok, though not really what I want to do, but if the time came when you could look over these desolate and ravaged places and see the first signs of normal life returning, people able to walk about safely, drink fresh water, grow radiation free crops, build decent homes... and know that YOU had done it. That is much more satisfying to me than killing and looting and getting more powerful so you can kill and loot some more, while everything else stays the same as when you started...... your idea for a GECK mod sounds exactly what I think the game needs to make it complete.

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I always found it strange that dad was content to use the GECK to purify water when he, Doc Li and crew can potentially purify the WHOLE wasteland with it.


And 3rdtryguy, the GECK won't reveal a secret vault, all you need is supposedly in the GECK itself.


The GECK isn't really a replicator. It contains a fertilizer system filled with a variety of food seeds, soil supplements, and chemicals that could turn arid wasteland (and possibly selected sections of the moon's surface pre-conditioned to accept the GECK) into fertile soil for farming. The GECK is intended to be "disassembled" over the course of its use to help build communities (for example, the cold fusion power source is intended to be used for main city power production), and so on. For anything else people needed, they could simply consult the How To Books/Library of Congress/Encyclopedias in the GECK holodisk library for more knowledge. The pen flashlight was just a bonus.


The GECK also contained some basic force field schematics as well as info on how to make adobe-type buildings from the landscape (or it contained chemicals that could create "sand-crete" walls).


As for clothing, the GECK contained codes that allowed the Vault to create more varieties of jumpsuits (and weatherproof gear) from their dispensers, which they could do anyway before the GECK. It's possible the GECK contained other codes that could unlock more functionality within the Vault computers that weren't initially available because they would jeopardize the survival of a sealed Vault if they were used or scavenged (or else they would interfere with the Grand Experiment).


The GECK could also tell the Vault inhabitants how to disassemble sections of their Vault (or take extraneous systems from the Vault) to create new homes and defensive structures on the surface.

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I think I can help with this. From my understanding, it seems pretty clear on all the text/terminals and then how you can interact with the GECK in Vault 87 that it is not the miracle worker it is supposed to be, rather it is somewhat faulty and only some parts of it function properly. The general idea I get is that the Vaults were secretly supposed to be these individual experimental groups, and the GECK would be further tested as apart of that after the bombs dropped and it was safe to come out. It sounds actually like they never got it working before the bombs dropped.


So if we take all or at least most of those statements as true, it suggests that "Dad" was able to either salvage something from the GECK that would make the Purifier work, or he at least thought the GECK could show him how to make the Purifier work. This idea is a bit confusing though when you think about the Enclave taking the GECK, and the fact that they fixed the Purifier themselves, only they obviously could not start the system that was already in place.

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I think I can help with this. From my understanding, it seems pretty clear on all the text/terminals and then how you can interact with the GECK in Vault 87 that it is not the miracle worker it is supposed to be, rather it is somewhat faulty and only some parts of it function properly. The general idea I get is that the Vaults were secretly supposed to be these individual experimental groups, and the GECK would be further tested as apart of that after the bombs dropped and it was safe to come out. It sounds actually like they never got it working before the bombs dropped.


So if we take all or at least most of those statements as true, it suggests that "Dad" was able to either salvage something from the GECK that would make the Purifier work, or he at least thought the GECK could show him how to make the Purifier work. This idea is a bit confusing though when you think about the Enclave taking the GECK, and the fact that they fixed the Purifier themselves, only they obviously could not start the system that was already in place.


In Dad's holotapes he mentions that the Geck is unstable technology at best -and Braun (when questioned) can only verify this. So what Bethesda is trying to imply -in my opinion- is that the Geck is not functional. So dad wants to use parts from it to further Project Purity. Which makes sense in a way. The Geck probably has a lots of gizmo's and hoodickeys in it that cannot be found anywhere else. And that might prove to be the missing pieces of technology that could make Project Purity work at last. The Enclave probably learned from Dr. Li's team member -Anna Holt? Anyway she was taken prisoner by the Enclave, but she was so enthralled by the technology the Enclave has at its disposal that she was happy to defect and help them out, telling them everything they want and need to know- that a part or more parts from the Geck were needed. That still left the activation code to start the purifier, which is where you come in.

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Ahhh... ok, I get it. That does make a lot more sense.


I that case, I suppose a secret backup vault full of goodies would have made more sense. Yeah... that would be a good mod, methinks; a big old vault full of useful stuff that can be found and either given to the good guys for fame & good karma or stripped for loot and bad karma. Heck, maybe it could even be linked with another mod that makes everything nice & green, serving as the way to make things nice again?


Do you suppose there are any stockpiles of gold anywhere in the wasteland?

Would gold even still be worth anything to a post-apocalyptian?

What about the old US Mint of DC?

Coin presses + gold = returning real money to society, and money worth something to foreigners, at that.

For that matter, why use caps when there are probably still hundreds of thousands of real coins scattered about?

Do you suppose caps that are rusty are worth less than ones in better shape? What about caps from rarer drinks? people collect bottlecaps today, so you reckon somebody's old collection of a wide variety of caps might be worth any more tan the base value of 1 cap = 1 cap?


I think about the oddest things sometimes...

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im really pissed that i wasnt allowed to hate Dad.




i mean, it is DIRECTLY his fault that you almost die and have to leave everything youve ever known and go live in a nuclear hellscape full of monsters and cannibals, and not only do you not get to say anything to that effect when you find him, it doesnt even let you explain that whenever people ask why you left the Vault.



it wasnt because i "was cooped up down there", its because DUMBASS made them all try to kill me!






it would have been a lot better if i could have murdered him, or else left him in the simulation as a dog for all eternity, and then said "he died, but its ok because im taking over his work" or something.





and in that case, it would be Li who sacrifices herself so you can escape the Enclave, and then youd have the option of helping Li's team or leaving them to die.

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im really pissed that i wasnt allowed to hate Dad.




i mean, it is DIRECTLY his fault that you almost die and have to leave everything youve ever known and go live in a nuclear hellscape full of monsters and cannibals, and not only do you not get to say anything to that effect when you find him, it doesnt even let you explain that whenever people ask why you left the Vault.



it wasnt because i "was cooped up down there", its because DUMBASS made them all try to kill me!






it would have been a lot better if i could have murdered him, or else left him in the simulation as a dog for all eternity, and then said "he died, but its ok because im taking over his work" or something.





and in that case, it would be Li who sacrifices herself so you can escape the Enclave, and then youd have the option of helping Li's team or leaving them to die.


I do get to tell him something along the lines of "You know what, f*ck you dad!" -and then he replies he is sorry I feel that way. Then I can end the dialogue by saying "I have to go now" and he wishes me well before making his epic journey back to Rivet City. There's no satisfaction telling him to take a flying f*ck to the moon, if I have to end the dialogue with a pretty lame "I have to go now".

I wish they'd changed the storyline for people who feel disgruntled with dad. Allowing the player to decide NOT to aid dad in his quest to retake Project Purity from the Super mutants. It would've been nice if Bethesda would have opened some story tangent that the player would be abducted by the Enclave. And letting Eden and his cronies exploit the player's resentment towards dad and have the player work for them. Then some sort of power struggle between the player and colonel Autumn could ensue. If I play a goody two shoes, it makes sense that I help dad with Project Purity. If I walk the bad karma path..... still, that's probably another forum thread.

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How is it Dad's fault the Overseer went psycho and decided to kill people? That's more...ya know...the Overseer's fault. Dad expected you to live peacefully in the vault since you were old enough now, he didn't expect that you'd be put in that situation, or that Jonas would be killed. Don't forget that without him you would be living in the wasteland anyways.
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