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Looking for help for a script


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Im looking for a script that allow you to cast a custom made spell (summon undead) once the target is dead similar to Soul trap where you can only absorb soul once they're dead


This is what will happen when the target die with soul trap

Event OnEffectFinish(Actor Target, Actor Caster)
; victim = target
; trace(self + " is finishing")
; if Caster.TrapSoul(victim) == true
; trace(victim + " is, in fact, dead.  Play soul trap visFX")
; TrapSoundFX.play(Caster)       ; play TrapSoundFX sound from player
; TrapImod.apply()                                  ; apply isMod at full strength
; TargetVFX.Play(victim,4.7,Caster)              ; Play TargetVFX and aim them at the player
; CasterVFX.Play(Caster,5.9,victim)
; TargetFXS.Play(victim,2)     ; Play Effect Shaders
; CasterFXS.Play(Caster,3)
; else
; trace(victim + " ``is, in fact, dead, But the TrapSoul check failed or came back false")
; endif
; endEvent

This is what im trying to do with the similar effect with the script below but instead of Soul Trap its a custom made spell (summon undead)
Spell Property OnDeathSpell Auto 
Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)
Edited by Kmikaz3
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So basically you want a spell that you can cast on an actor and if that actor dies before the spell ends, then they come back as an undead?

Spell Property OnDeathSpell Auto 
Event OnEffectFinish(Actor Target, Actor Caster)
 If(Target.isDead() && !Caster.isDead())

should work. It might try to shoot the spell from the player to the corpse, which would look weird. i don't have time to test it. If it doesn't work you can PM me, and I'll try to take some time to make a version that works.

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