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new site, for Fallout 3


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Ok, I came a crossed this about a week or so ago, and noticed that they are having a difficult time getting going


FileFront now has there own Fallout 3 area and I noticed that there is a lack of Modder there for it and few mods there


I was hoping that this great community could help develop there database by mirroring and hosting there mods there as while as help the new comers get in to modding Fallout 3 will so tutorials




http://fallout3.filefront.com/ - fallout3 files


http://forums.filefront.com/fallout-3-1600/ - forums



thnxz for any support that you all can give



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Errrmmm ... isn't that a bit like a local department store employee coming into Macy's and saying, "Gee guys, we're trying to get started ... would you mind dumping some of your inventory on our shelves instead of keeping it to yourself?" A bit cheeky if you ask me.


Nexus has been around a while and has a pretty devoted following, it provides a centralized place to find Oblivion and Fallout3 resources (not that there aren't others) -- one-stop shopping, so to speak. What benefit is there in diluting that even more than it already is?

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I agree with csb on this one, if Nexus did give the mods to Filefornt, then what wound be the point of a Fallout3Nexes? Dont get me wrong i think its nice if you went to help a site get started, but you all so have to keep in mind how it wound hurt the site your asking
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It may be a decent place for modders to mirror their files so if anything were to happen *heaven forbid* to the Nexus the mods wouldn't be lost.


csb, try not to to think of it as being bad for the Nexus but as a possible insurance. I have seen some some good mod sites fall since I became part of the Bethesda gaming community in the TES 3 days.

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i have been moddig Bethesda games since Morrowind, and hate to say this there have been a tons of mods and plug-in lost do to people not having more them one upload site because the site the used closed down....


all the place i ever uploaded my plug-ins are longgone. and i have had a few e-mails asking for them a few of them, and sadly i could not even provide them with a copy has i have lost the PC that i use to play and mod the game on.....


so this is the way i look at it... (going to use the recent filefront close issue) now say that Nexus was to close for any reason. who knows way don't really matter. now i would say that about 80% - 90% of the modding community it base here or uses it as a hub.


now when FF said that they where closing down there was a scramble to get the files uploaded to others sites (i'll use the EAW community for example as about 90% of the community is based there at that time. There was no other major site for EAW site most had closed down, had no down load capability, or where just flat out abandoned)


i did not wish to see this happen to any modding community that I'm actively modding the game for said community.


there for i made this topic as i was hoping others felt the same, but it seems that there are few that do....



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Thanks Dark0ne.


I am the site manager of Fallout 3 files (and Elderscrolls Files) and a mod admin at Planet Elder Scrolls, I have made various posts on various forums in regards to mirroring your mods. This is not about taking away/being rival to Nexus in any way it's simply a matter of common sense to have your mods available in more than one location. One only has to look at all the threads that pop up when Nexus goes down for any reason. Nexus is by far the most feature rich, easy to use and biggest mod site there is in the community but as knives_lordX points out 80-90% of all the community's content is now hosted here, heaven forbid should the site disappear overnight then we have a major issue. I have my mods hosted here (such as they are lol) and hosted at the sites mentioned above.


I have already submitted a link for both Elderscrolls/Fallout 3 sites to Lhammonds for the community links page. In regards to Fallout 3 Files, the site is still new and there are still a few sections to sort out but we are open for file/potd and news submission.

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I will concede that alternative mirror sites are always welcome. I apologize :) ... it was late and I suppose I skipped over "mirror" in the OP.
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