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Just Bought Morrowind Need Advise On Mods And Tips For First Time Players.


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Hello everyone just as my thread title says i just bought morrowind the game of the year edition online and was hoping the community could share some advise on what mods to install i like major overhaul mods and small one as well. I have never played morrowind but i am a veteran of oblivion and skyrim,. Just got a little bored with those games and i heard so much about this game i figured why not give it a go even though is an old game. So i was also hoping for some tips on what to expect when playing morrowind in relation to the other titles i mentioned above. Any information will be helpful. I thank you all in advance for taking time from your day to help a fellow gamer out. Repectfully Logik.....

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Get Morrowind Sound and Graphics Overhaul, MSGO, that should start you out after that it's up to personal taste really. Expect to get confusing if not wrong directions to locations, expect to do a lot of walking there's fewer fast travel options but they're more immersive. Enjoy levitation, it helps with all those bad directions. There's more guilds and factions to join than there are in Skyrim and Oblivion, combined. There's also the great houses. There's limited interaction between them all. Forget the DB, the Morag Tong is the only functioning assassins guild and it's actually hidden, you'll have to find it and the clues are few and far between. Vampirism is right side up and there are three different clans with different specialties and bonuses. Enjoy the companions, Emma made so so so many more of them for Morrowind than any other game and they're varying degrees of awesome.

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Read the dialogue and the journal. Seriously, this is not Skyrim, it's way easier to get lost, and they will help you determine where you are and what you are supposed to do. Also, explore a bit - it'll be much easier to find your way around later.

Don't fight using a weapon you have no skill with - you'll miss everything, even a rat will be impossible to kill. Get some gold first and train a bit. Remember, everything has a chance to fail now - attack, spell, alchemy, enchanting.

Don't expect the guilds/houses/religious groups/whatever you join to immidiately send you out on an important mission on your first day. For instance the best you can hope for as a new Telvanni is delivering a letter or buying stuff from an alchemy shop two buildings away. You only get important missions as a higher ranked member of the House.

As for mods, you'll have to specify what you are looking for. MGSO or Tamriel Rebuilt are pretty much must-have. Also Morrowind Comes Alive and mods that make clothing and armor compatible with Better Bodies (I don't remember if BB is included in MGSO - if not then also Better Bodies). Otherwise it's hard to tell - there isn't much point in having Rise of House Telvanni or Uvirith's Legacy active if you are playing Hlaalu or Vampire Embrace as a non-vampire. Speaking of active - Wrye Mash. It's a very important tool if you plan on playing modded Morrowind - it can help you cleaning saves and keeping your load order... ordered.

Edited by kkk122
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