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How about romancing a male character? (for a change)


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I've noticed there are several mods that allow you to be a angel or to be a pimp or (with Wasteland Player) to be a pimp or have a steady romance(?) on the side. You can do this as a guy with chicks or as a girl with chicks. But there are no men to romance/seduce/angel out. I was crushed. (And believe me I have SEARCHED) I like to play a girl (I am a chick, I'm just using my husband's account as he rarely does this. He lets me search for the things he wants, I show them to him, make requests and whatever. He's not very thorough when it comes to checking for compatibility :rolleyes: Anyway. ^_^)

I was just wondering if anyone else was interested in such a feature. It would be an awesome addition to the Wasteland Player to be able to romance/seduce/prostitute (odd but workable I guess to angel out men :confused: ) men as well as women.

For instance a character could seduce Diego instead of Angela or shack up with Jericho or Leo Stahl (maybe blackmail him over his addiction or he really is into you after you help him kick it or something) or maybe Vance from the family. Creepy but even Moriarity. And Three-Dog could be... interesting... lol

I so want to do this (especially with the sc_lovers_resource.esm that would make it ideally compatible with WP and Wasteland Gigolo) but I really suck at modding and I would only screw it up, plus the whole game and all the things we have downloaded. *sigh* So anyone wanting to tackle this, my sister and I would love you! And surely there are others (anyone who likes to play straight females or homo/bisexual men or bisexual women) who would also adore this. Thanks all. ^_^

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how bout animatedprostitution ?


that one lets you litteraly bang everything thats not nailed to the floor (even creepier, sometimes kids glitch and offer to have sex, noticed that in andale, was talking to the girl upstairs and she was all like: yeah I love Co*k, srsly i was like WTF ?)


but anyways, animatedprostitution lets you have sex with pretty much every NPC in the game (if you wanna get your freak on, talk to dad) and you can earn/pay 100 caps.

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My mod isn't going to include anything involving prostitution or haveing any of the vanilla npcs involved at all. But it does have 3 male npcs and well as 5 female npcs that ypu can have a relationship with.


It is still very much in progress though


The link for my Nexus topic is in my signature, and my site is here http://agdt.freeforums.org/index.php?sid=4...15c05c70fea206e

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My mod isn't going to include anything involving prostitution or haveing any of the vanilla npcs involved at all. But it does have 3 male npcs and well as 5 female npcs that ypu can have a relationship with.


It is still very much in progress though


The link for my Nexus topic is in my signature, and my site is here http://agdt.freeforums.org/index.php?sid=4...15c05c70fea206e


You're actually working on a relationship mod? REALLY?!? *starry eyes* I wish I could help somehow, but I suck at modding. Maybe I could help with feedback or testing or something. Anything you need that I can do just pm me or email me at [email protected]. ^_^


And about Animated Prostitution, it's a little ....uhm..... graphic.... for my needs. Thanks though.

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You're actually working on a relationship mod? REALLY?!? *starry eyes* I wish I could help somehow, but I suck at modding. Maybe I could help with feedback or testing or something. Anything you need that I can do just pm me or email me at [email protected]. ^_^


I don't really consider it a "relationship mod"... Because it includes a whole lot more than just that. The idea is more to have an actualy dynamic settlment that grows and changes as you go through the game and provide assistance to the people in the town. Relationships are just a part of that.


But any female input is graciously accepted, because as a guy, I can say I am not the best at portraying the way females should act... I really spend more time working on the incredible possibilities that I can open up through "interactive dialouge" as opposed to thinking about the emotional aspects of the relationship...

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An interactive and growing mod that actually matters what you do as the PC more than just "Oh well that guy lived/died"? Even better. ^_^ Well the offer still stands, anything you think I can help with just let me know. My sister and husband also play the game so we all agree on whatever we download and activate. And we all think Bethesda always makes these beautiful RPG worlds with one thing missing: The RPG element. :confused:

That was the appeal of NWN and NWN2 and the Baldur's Gate series and so many others. Glad to see someone who wants to do something about it. ^_^

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An interactive and growing mod that actually matters what you do as the PC more than just "Oh well that guy lived/died"? Even better. ^_^ Well the offer still stands, anything you think I can help with just let me know. My sister and husband also play the game so we all agree on whatever we download and activate. And we all think Bethesda always makes these beautiful RPG worlds with one thing missing: The RPG element. :confused:

That was the appeal of NWN and NWN2 and the Baldur's Gate series and so many others. Glad to see someone who wants to do something about it. ^_^


check your pms, I sent you links and everything :wink:

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