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A script-free alternative to SkyRe?


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For the last couple of years, I've played Skyrim with the Skyrim Redone mod. But now, after hard drive failure, I find myself constructing a new mod list and I thought that I would take the opportunity to sound out the community about an alternative to SkyRe.


What I like about SkyRe:


The perk system, especially the Frostfall support (the Survivalism module)

The Reproccer system, for making separate mods fit the SkyRe stats.

Racial abilities overhaul

Enemy scaling


What I don't like about SkyRe:


The huge number of compatibility patches that seem to be required, even when using Reproccer

Some scripts seem to be frequent causes of crashes

The mod author has moved on and isn't updating any more (and no, that's not because it's perfect)


Other overhaul mods that I use:


Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade

Epic Gameplay Overhaul

Frostfall + Wet & Cold

Immersive Armors

Immersive Weapons

Organised Bandits In Skyrim (OBIS)

Weapons & Armor Fixes Remade


What I'm looking for:


A good enemy scaling system, maybe even de-leveled

Exciting & tactical combat

As few scripts running as possible

Compatibility with separate armour & weapon mods

Perks that are useful and make me feel as though my character is really progressing

So, now the big question. Is there a mod, or combination of mods that can give me what I'm looking for? Or am I best off staying with SkyRe?

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  • 4 months later...

Have you tried Erkeil Real Skyrim Overhaul? If I recall it has about 30 modules to choose from and only two of them have scripts, it does a lot and I'm pretty sure has next to no incompatibilities (within reason).


It's no longer on the nexus for some reason but has moved to a separate webpage with a couple of other mods by the same team. Everything it changes is listed there.



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