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Possible reward change (Axe of Whiterun)

dragon awakened

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I am wondering if it is possible to change the Axe of Whiterun scripts so that only a certain type of axe is available as a reward. At this point I have seen Steel, Dwarven and Orcish war axes and battleaxes offered up randomly all with different enchantments. On a frustrating note if you get the Orcish battleaxe it cannot apparently be displayed on any weapon rack. (Never worked for me anywhere.)


Because it is a Nord weapon I have always found it odd that any other races axes would be offered. What I would like to see is the Axe of Whiterun offered as an non-enchanted war axe with Skyforge statistics so that if the character is going to use it they can enchant it with whatever effect they want to. It is meant to be a symbol of office so I myself just hang it over the mantle. If this happens it would however would give me more incentive to use it early on.


I do not know what is possible here as I am not a modder. It is just a theory and perhaps hope someone can come up with this.


I thank you for the time you took to read this.

Edited by dragon awakened
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Wouldn't this be affected by mods that affect leveled lists like Morrowloot 4E? AFAIK the Jarl gives you an axe pulled from the leveled list (thus affected by player level). Since Morrowloot 4E removes everything not-steel or iron from the leveled lists to and hand place them only, it should affect the stuff given by jarls.

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