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TPOA quest chrashes at a certain point.


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In The power of atom quest Whevever I go to the saloon to talk to burke he gets halfway out of his char then it crashs Ive tried rnning with no mods with and ithout FOSE. HELP PLAWCKS>
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If you have mods that alter Moriarty's, you could have a conflict. Get FO3Edit by ElminsterAU and Miax's great guide on using the utility. It's great for fixing mod conflict issues.
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I'd still recommend FO3Edit (and Miax's guide) :) ... using them, you'll find out soon enough if there is a mod conflict and how to resolve it.


Barring a mod conflict of some sort ... hmmm, I really wouldn't know, since I've never had that issue. Have you tried it in first-person and third-person views? Just a thought.


As for FOSE (I don't use it atm because of a DLL error that causes immediate CTD, but use its predecessor in Oblivion), I don't think it would prevent Burke from standing and crashing your game, but you never know :D.


Keep us all posted, I'm sure someone will think of something to get you past this hurdle.

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I cant blw up megaton is there anyone who can solve this problem


For a substantial fee in caps, I know this certain femme fatale who would gladly turn Megaton into atomized particles. ... Then gladly collect Burke's reward and blow his brains out just for a few laughs :D

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