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So I just noticed that Fallout 3 had no dynamic lighting...


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what you are describing is the lack of 'Shadowing' lights, that cast dynamic shadows. Although these are somewhat expensive gpu-wise, they are not really too bad unless you have hundreds of them with wide radii.


Afaik there arent any of these in fallout3 or oblivion, but the possibility for them is there, but that lies only in Bethesda's hands.


What they DO use, are Omni-Fill lights, whose lighting, as mentioned above, penetrates objects and surfaces that would normally block it.


If bethesda hasnt already wrote the code for them (and for some reason not included any)

to implement Omni-Shadowing or spot-shadowing lights, youd have to have access to the C++ sourcecode of Bethesda's modified NetimmerseGamebryo engine, to write them in.


frankly the chances of that happening are 0%. Unless you are a graphics programmer and happen to work at Bethesda and also happen to be reading this thread.



sad, but true. strong engine uses weak lighting.



there is no 'magic shader' to make lights behave as shadowing lights, the math behind the light function would have to be written up.

(in the same sense that if you had a hypothetical hose that was shooting water, but nothing was getting wet, the problem lies in the hose and water, not in the objects being sprayed)

bad analogy is bad.... sorry lmao

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