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Most and least favorite NPCs.


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Liberty Prime, hands down.


"Death is a preferable alternative to Communism!"


Charon for blasting Azhrukal







Daniel Agincourt

Dr Li


That mom of the boy that runs around in Rivet City, and himself

Outcasts minus Casdin, he's a cool guy and exchanges loads of 5.56 ammo for my stuff

BoS before doing stuff for them

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Desmond is perhaps the only character out there that my RP can relate to, too bad he's got to go for that sole reason when I actually get to Point Lookout :-/ Will make for an interesting and emotional play, though.


Sydney and Moira are dolls, Lucy West is love on first sight and I love the robot from Existence radio too. As for hates, the irritating kid in Rivet City & his mother are up high, the Outcast that starts trouble in the Anchorage base is a *ban* idiot and the guy who collects brain pieces was awarded with about the only real minigun kill I ever made in the game :/. And Li, of course. Betty too, now that I think of it.

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My Favorite... Charon. I love that Ghoul. He is a good fighter, a good pal, even if he is loyal to you all because of a contract.


My least... Daniel Alincort. He's a b*tch. I hate his guts... every time he runs his mouth it makes me want to rip his spine out and shove it down his throat.


Thats just me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Most: Dad and Eden, simply because of their voice-actors. Bittercup, she's a little wild thing. Sarah Lyons, I never see her do any wrong. Outcasts are also rad, most of them anyways.


Least: Pretty much every NPC with an attitude, ESPECIALLY Desmond.

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  • 5 weeks later...

most : Moira :biggrin: can't imagine living in the wasteland without her craterside supply :mellow: since most of modder put their stuff there.


least : those outcast,they think too highly of themself.

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Most: Liberty Prime because he is awesome , um RL-3 because he is awesome too and don't need to be goody two shoes to buy him, and Sarah Lyons caz she is hot lol.


Least: well lets see! ALMOST all of the NPCs! but i wil try to name them

Dr.Li demanding!,Mother curie!!! for *pooing* the water again! after i cleaned it!!!, paladin tristin for being such an [beep] and never gave me one cent!!!! finishing the game doesn't count!!!, and danial agincort or whatever his name

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Tulip - About the only ghoul I do like. I always see her first before doing anything else in Underworld.

Alex Dargon - unlike his colleague he is a nice person and is interesting to talk to.

Harkness - makes a good follower even if he is a bit a jerk to begin with.



Victoria Watts - I can't stand force-greeters. Here, have a frag mine, put it in your pocket for later. No, I don't want to help you. But I will steal your android. Go away!

Daniel Agincourt - Blame me for everything. What did I do? I didn't go out of my way to save you in the Taft Tunnels, that's what. Run in front of my plasma rifle and get gooped, good one! Idiot.

Dad - Still treats me like I'm 5 years old.

Paladin Tristan - I just don't like him. He's a knob.

Rothchild - His line, "Don't hurry back," makes me want to punch him. I just don't like him, and that voice.

Seagrave Holmes - Loser! Using Enclave Commander I had most of the residents bound in the stairwell and he was still trying to pick up Vera :blink:


There are more that I don't like, not many more that I actually like. But, they're my top lists.

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Moria-Shes great,quirky attitude and a real character(unlike 90% of the rest) I wish her repair skills were better tho:/

Bittercup-Shes mean with a Browing M2 or an M60 ISW. I feel bad for anything caught in her triggerhappiness...and shes funny,i always get a kick out of her.

Sydney-Shes got a cool little toy and is an ammo vender for my more...explosive needs.

Flak/Lucky-Best selection

RL3-hes amusing,

Gob,Nova,Lucy-are all real characters who you can sort of relate to.

Bigsley-hes just funny. "Oh look i slept in my own drool puddle.."




Charon-Great fighter,kind of anoyying after awhile when he constantly says "I dont like this place" ITS MY OWN HOUSE DAMMIT! You dont like it you can wait out side!

Sticky-Please sticky,I gave you Dragonskin and an AK.least you can do is KILL the damned radskorp!

Red/Shorty-Shortys good in combat ill give him that,but i do like it when he doesnt listen.Red is an awful shot.

BOS/Outcast/Enclave-youre all the same wearing fancy smanchy power armor.still doesnt stand up to my Shrike Ares very well. I love how I accidentally kill 1 outcast and the entire group hates me

Burke-Hes alright,could have had more meat behind him but I still kill him 9 times out of 10.

Garza-You just picked up a freaking gataling lazer use it!



I want to kill or i do kill

Roy Phillips-I cant stand him. Hes anoyying. I like to silently kill him in his sleep or from a long range shot from one of my sniper rifles.

Anna Holt-I hate this small woman.More than Li. Every time I find her,I kill her a diffrent way. Shotgun,grenade,mine,hell i shot her with the MIRV once..Totally worth it.

Li-Pompous.Reminds me of an ex.Sorry lady world dont revolve around you.

Dad-I like beign an errand boy while looking for your sorry ass.

Zimmerman-I do the whole quest and I get both rewards.I waste em both and its fun to do.

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The Megaton Friend - Gives and laudes. Well, at least untill you talk to her again. You think the male Lone Wanderer would get to know her eventually.

Lucy, Bumble, Joseph etc - The Good Lamplaight Kids. Nice enough, especially the optimal ending to Rescue. They know thier rules, but understand REspect.

Agatha - I just love this woman. Really nice, pleasant to be around. Wish there was more interaction (outside AP).




Moira - Nice enough, yet eccentric. Would probably like better, had not there been so many life-ending missions she put me though.

Three Dog - Good for radio, just not in person. Wish there was more interaction (not AP!!). Doesn't really let you crash at his pad.

Sarah Lyons - She even tells you that she won't do it with you.


Want. To. Kill:

Elcair, Mcready, Princess, etc - Old. Fashioned. Discipline.

Roy Phillips - Completely ruins the chance for harmony, in this shitty wasteland.

Tenpennys lapdog, what his name - tries to be smooth, lacks his masters class. No cool villan here


Love to hate, hate to love:

Wherner - Lesser of two evils, really.

Almost anyone from the pitt - Their lives just seem so hollow, empty, and forgettable. I understand why, but when all the characters are like this, nothing good, or bad stands out.

Eulogy Jones. Bastard. I enjoy killing this man. But, damn, evey time I hear him, I hear, Works every time!...

Tenpenny - Evil up his yabbo boffin pikey lorry* guv'nor, but just so un-assuming.


All Four:

Dad - Selfish, selfless. Strong, but weak. Equals good and bad voice acting.


* All the words I learned from Top Gear.

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Least: Pretty much every NPC with an attitude, ESPECIALLY Desmond.

Desmond is the only one who should give you attitude. Most of them (like Evan King in Arefu) are little b*tches before the Lone Wanderer. But to desmond you're just some punk kid with a bit of potential. He's James Bond's Ghoulified post-apocalyptic stand-in for crap's sake! 200+ years of badassery and still kicking! Put up against his experience yours is nothing, a splendid litttle prologue compared to Desmond's long and shell-case litttered history. IF anyone could take the LW back to school it's Desmond, and only Desmond.

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