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Glow sticks/signal flares.


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Hello, I'd like to make a little add-on request.


I have heard people mentioning how Fallout 3 can't have flashlights. Something about the engine not supporting directional lighting. True or false, I don't know. I'd be more than happy to be pointed at a working, useful flashlight mod, but in the mean time:


Glow sticks and signal flares! Yes, we have all seen them, all used them. So, why don't we have them? We got chemistry sets and work benches so we should be able to make them, possibly from the metric poo-ton of cleaning chemicals, empty cola/booze bottles, toy cars and ruined books that lie around in every other house. Whatever they are made of, they should be in the game.


Gameplay wise, they'd be... well, grenades by function, I'd guess. You can throw them as grenades but they don't explode, as soon as you equip one and/or hold it in hand, it starts to glow. You can toss it to illuminate an area. Have a limited glow time, obviously. Not much to say other than... it glows! A lot!


As for the model... for the glow stick I'd suggest seriously beefing up the Alien Power Cell for the blaster and Firelance, both in size and in glowyness. Since it is present in the core game, it wouldn't go against the rules about DLC content. For the flare... be creative? I don't know.



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Yeah, I looked over most of the light mods. The lantern, power armor headlight, and other gazillion mods. One did strike my eye and that was one named just Lights That seem to have the right direction in mind, thought not exactly something useful.


Hmm, oh, and it seems THIS had somehow escaped my previous searches.... strange. I will be giving this one a try. But, that doesn't mean glow sticks shouldn't be made.


EDIT: The Directional Light mod, linked above, is a no-go. Both the standard and the LITE versions cause my game to hang on startup. Strange. So. A "grenade" type throwable light source would kick ass!

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Thank's a million, my dear lad! This will have to do for the time being and make for some interesting encounters.


I just hope you are willing to "see this through" as the saying goes. A grenade type throwable and craftable item would really top it off nice!

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