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Help with guards


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Im trying to make it so that a merchant travels to and from the Imperial City.I succesfully made him move to Bravil with no trouble but he was being attacked by bandits so I tried to make a merchants guard that would accompany him on the trip.I set up a follow package and the time to follow and the reference to follow which is my mercant but everytime the guards package is supposed to start Oblivion crashes.I have tried to change it but it wont work and keeps crashing at that time.ANy suggestions as to what to try ?
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It sounds like you're trying to make something similar to Tamriel Travellers v1.39c.


That mod adds Travelling Merchants AND guards along with compatibility patches for various Overhauls such as MMM and OOO. Most notably one that changes the Factions of said travellers to either cause them to be immune to wilderness life or make them susceptible to raids. If you don't to install it outright, download it and look at the ESMs/ESPs and see if you can use it to figure out what your problem is :D

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