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Caves full of passive monsters?


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So there I was, attacking hoards of vampires when I stopped for a breather... and noticed that nobody was attacking me. The vampires were all standing around picking their noses.


I could trigger hostility by attacking one, but only in that particular enemy; the others didn't attack unless I hit them.


I know this isn't caused by a mod, since my other two characters still get mauled by demons, imps, skeletons, skeletal imp demons... whatever happens to be hiding in the cave. Just one savegame somehow has set every cave-dweller to passive. It's only limited to caves, dungeons and so on; not the wilds. So I still get some action, at least.


can anyone tell me how to repair this?

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- Did you have high or perfect CHAMELEON at the time? Enemies basically cannot retaliate if you do.


- Are you in fact sneaking while attacking, and do you have a MASTER sneak level?


- Do you have any items that contribute to sneak.



I ask this because the only time I have experienced something similar is using very high sneak while attacking, and managing to stay behind my enemies. The enemies would start to react and then act like they didn't know where i was as I racked up 6x damage bonuses on them (similar to if you have perfect CHAMELEON).


But this was also on a savegame that had suffered the ABOMB glitch, so it could be a factor in it. I hope it isn't for your sake though.

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