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Dual Sheath Redux/Immersive Animations help?


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I apologize in advance for asking such a noob question but I'm having a simple problem trying to get the animation of sheathing correct, it appears that even if I have a 1-handed sword I sheath my weapon as If I have dual wield. After taking the weapon out it goes back to the 1-handed wield animation so the problem is when I'm actually sheathing the weapon, but I have no clue as to how to fix this, I have all the necessary mods such as the skeleton mod, BOSS, etc.

Edited by Chofrizzy
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If I understand correctly, you're trying to use a single one-handed weapon but you're getting the dual-wield draw/sheath annimation? If you read the descriptions in Immersive Animations closely when you activate it, you'll notice that checking the box for any of the dual wield options overrides the draw/sheath annimations for that weapon. All the time. So, for instance, if you want to use the single one-handed sword-on-back option, you can't have *any* of the other sword options checked. Afaik, there can only be one draw/sheath animation for each weapon type, so you need to pick and choose what you want.


If you change your mind at some point, you'll need to deactivate IA and XP32 and then reactivate with your new choices.

Edited by jimbo32
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If I understand correctly, you're trying to use a single one-handed weapon but you're getting the dual-wield draw/sheath annimation? If you read the descriptions in Immersive Animations closely when you activate it, you'll notice that checking the box for any of the dual wield options overrides the draw/sheath annimations for that weapon. All the time. So, for instance, if you want to use the single one-handed sword-on-back option, you can't have *any* of the other sword options checked. Afaik, there can only be one draw/sheath animation for each weapon type, so you need to pick and choose what you want.


If you change your mind at some point, you'll need to deactivate IA and XP32 and then reactivate with your new choices.


Hey thanks for replying, I did (I think) what you told me to do and deactivated DSR, IA and XP32 and reactivated in the following order: XP32, IA, then DSR. I checked all the defaults/required when I activated XP32 then for IA I checked the main files and strafe, normal sprint, greatsword sprint, and female walk fix for the optionals so I'm pretty sure I didn't check any sword sheathing related files. After that, I activated DSR and updated using SkyProc. I then started the game up and it seemed to fix the dual wield animation problem, but now when I actually wield two 1-handed swords it does the single 1-handed sheathing animation.. am I doing something wrong here?


EDIT: I've tried to deactivate DSR hoping that was the problem but it made it worse by making my left-handed weapon disappear from the hip but still sheathable so I reactivated it which made it reappear.

Edited by Chofrizzy
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Yeah, if you haven't selected any of the dual options in IA, then you won't get any dual draw/sheath animations in-game. Again, you have to choose. You can't have single 1H sword sometimes and dual wield swords sometimes. It's either/or. The exception would be if you chose the dual axes, daggers or maces, and single 1H swords since those are separate animations. For instance, right now I'm using the 1H sword on back with back dagger dual wield. If I unequip the dagger, I still get the animation where my character reaches for it when I draw my weapons. That's because the dual wield animation has replaced the sword animation. However, if I switch to two daggers, they're crossed at the small of my back like in the IA pictures, and the animation changes so I reach behind me for both. If I unequip one, I still reach for both because the dagger animation has been replaced by the dual wield one.


If you want to mix it up sometimes between single 1H and dual wield without having to deactivate/reactivate IA and XP32, maybe a good compromise would be using dual wield axes and leaving the swords alone (or using the single 1H sword on-back option).


By the way, the actual Dual Sheath Redux mod has no effect on any of this, so when you change things, you can leave it (and its various weapon/armour patches) enabled.

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There's no reason you can't use shield on back and leave the dual wield stuff unchecked. That way, you can leave all 3 mods active, and be able to switch to dual wield quickly if you feel like it just by deactivating/reactivating IA and XP32. Or you could activate shield on back (which replaces the sword animation) and also have dual wield axes, daggers and/or maces active in case you feel like switching things up.


There's a decent amount of options, it's just that you're limited to one choice per weapon type.

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Gyus I have a problem I have installed the Dual Sheath Redux mod and when I click to activate the DSR patch in the skyrim data folder in skyproc patchers folder halfway the installation of the patch an error message shows up saying:

skyproc.exceptions.MissingMaster: BCS_Skyre_Patch.esp has some missing masters: Book Covers Skyrim.esp please activate and try again


What should i do? For the record I have reinstalled the book cover mod and the book cover copatibility patch and have run the BOSS for correct load order but the same error message is popping. Please help I really want to activate Dual Seath Redux!

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