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Are the Wastelanders Pigs ?


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Oh come on. Wastelanders don't throw out manufactured trash like tin cans cuz they know that it'll be hundreds of years before anyone can make tin cans again and ya just never know when you're gonna need a rusty, old tin can! There must be hundreds of uses for them... a place to keep your valuable collection of toenail clippings or maybe if you have enough of them you could cut them open at the seam, pound 'em flat and use 'em for roofing shingles or for auto body repair?
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The junk is there because we need it.

It the same reason the aliens have bobby pins in their pockets. They don't need them , but WE do.

Perroloco has a very good point, though; the junk has value to the people and economy, so they're not gonna just toss it. Besides... have you seen any garbage trucks making their runs?


Hmm... there's an idea! If there can be a big trash heap in the Point Lookout swamp, then why can't there be one near Megaton?

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It's a little something I like to call, "Lazy Dev's" and "Lack of tile-sets". Or even "Bad level design". What you really should be worrying about is how all the "towns" have supported themselves for 200 years with no agriculture or other means to feed the populations. They obviously haven't looked around because you go right out and find all kinds of stuff they didn't pick up everywhere.
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It's a little something I like to call, "Lazy Dev's" and "Lack of tile-sets". Or even "Bad level design". What you really should be worrying about is how all the "towns" have supported themselves for 200 years with no agriculture or other means to feed the populations. They obviously haven't looked around because you go right out and find all kinds of stuff they didn't pick up everywhere.


That's why the shelves in Super Duper Mart are empty :biggrin: plus, Radroach tastes pretty good grilled over an open campfire. You have to be careful not to get the legs stuck between your teeth though.


From what I've heard, RTS Settler fixes this "immersion" oversight. Oblivion had more than its share of farms, etc. and the Fallout3 devs certainly could have followed suit.

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One need only to do a little additional research into high energy particle physics to understand why the Atomic Armageddon Survivors in the Wasteland, aka/ Wastelanders continue to find all sorts of stuff in the various places they explore.


As we all know, exploration & scavenging are inherently dangerous occupations in post-Atomic Holocaust America. You just have to wonder why people continue to explore. There's always alternative employment. Our hero could get a job at Moriarty's Saloon & Whorehouse either as a bartender or a hooker. God knows that both Gob & Nova could use a break now and then. But there is a good living to be made from scrounging. Ah ha... there's the rub. Folks in the Wasteland have been scrounging stuff for over 200 years... and there's still more stuff!


You would think that after 200+ years of scroungers poking around in the Wastelands all the good stuff would be gone. But there's always... more stuff!


In order to understand why there's always more stuff, you have to look to the physics of what actually happens when you light up an atomic bomb. Way back in '09 when the scientists at CERN first fired up the Large Hadron Collider, the world's largest and highest-energy particle accelerator which is located in a 27 kilometer long circular tunnel 175 meters beneath the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva, Switzerland they discovered that in addition to all sorts of theoretically predicted high energy subatomic particles, (fermions & bosons) which include things like Quarks of various flavors (up, down, charm, strange, top, bottom), Leptons (electron neutrino, electron, muon neutrino, muon, tauon neutrino, tauon), Bosons - (Gauge bosons which include gluons, W and Z bosons, photons & other bosons like the Higgs boson & the graviton) There is an elementary particle they named the tachyon!


It turns out that tachyons are the basic time particle! And if you light off an atom bomb, the detonation releases all sorts of tachyons that spread out in an uneven & completely unpredictable wave front. Which send all sorts of stuff forward & backward in time! Lots of that stuff is quite likely to reappear in the physical universe at more or less random intervals. Just sort of popping into existence without warning.


In other words... stuff spawns!

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Now if it will only spawn a butler or two, my house would be much tidier :biggrin: ... or may not depending on their HQ* ...













*Hunkiness Quotient

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