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MCM Progress Quest, Cancel Shouts By Shealthing, and Air Techs


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In the MCM, you can choose where you want certain quests to progress to. By picking an option, all previous entries are automatically checked off. The quest is done properly, with necessary rewards: Shouts; items; characters, distributed, removed, or placed in proper locations. Once perfected, it can be used to restart completed quests.


This adds to immersion and replay, since you can roleplay as a character who is already established in a guild or town, or otherwise customize your character. Non-RPer's will be able to skip quests they have no interest in, or are bugged.


The ability to cancel your shouts would be valuable to combat. There are times when your target moves behind cover, or your shot otherwise becomes poor. Instead of blasting the nearest tree or the the ground, it would be nice to be able to cancel your shout in the same vain as a nocked arrow can be lowered. Moreso, when you consider that bows don't have cooldowns.



Lastly, the ability to manually force your character to begin standing when knocked down would be ideal. When you fall, or are flying through the air and lose all control of your character, there are times when they hit a slope, and slide for half a minute, at 1 mph, before finally settling to a -complete- stop and getting up. Being able to press the jump button to quickly *pop* up off the ground and immediately return to fighting would be ideal. In this way, falling over is no longer a death sentence on higher difficulties. If enemies have a chance to perform it too, that would balance the scales and even make many abilities and stun-lock strategies less viable, giving the game a much needed difficulty boost.


Bonus points if you can also "Air Tech" and land on your feet to continue the fight.


Thanks for reading through.

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