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Help with a script


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I'm trying to make a script that automatically resizes any NPC/player that wears a certain armor (in this case the enclave power armor). The script works fine for the player, but I can't get it to work for NPCs. Here's the script:


ScriptName ArmorEnclaveSize


ref user


Begin OnEquip

set user to GetContainer

user.SetScale 1.2



Begin OnUnequip

set user to GetContainer

user.SetScale 1




Thanks in advance. As you can probably see, I'm a real novice at scripting.

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ScriptName ArmorEnclaveSize


ref user--- not sure but here you have to fill in npc or the ref from the npc( it's probably a refscript)


Begin OnEquip

set user to GetContainer

user.SetScale 1.2

End----- this has probably been changed in endif coz here you are ending the script( not sure bout this one coz you say it works for you)


Begin OnUnequip

set user to GetContainer

user.SetScale 1




i'm a noob at it too :confused:

but it seems that you are activating your script and i think that the npc don't get the command to activate it


gr deepside

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Well, the script looks fine--and as you say, it works on the player. Are the NPCs equipping the item? That's the only time "SetScale 1.2" is going to work. If they start out with the item on, you'll want to try it in a GameMode block, like below. I also included a scale tracking variable so they can go back to their original scale if they weren't 1.0 to start with.


ScriptName ArmorEnclaveSize

float fScale
reference rUser

begin GameMode
if rUser != GetContainer
	set rUser to GetContainer

if rUser.GetEquipped ArmorEnclave 
	if rUser.GetScale != 1.2
		set fScale to rUser.GetScale
		rUser.SetScale 1.2
elseif rUser.GetScale == 1.2
	rUser.SetScale fScale

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