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Far Cry

Saves Won't Stay Saved


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I took a break from FC3 for a while (it was working just fine) to play Skyrim and BF4, but today I came back and my saves were gone.

My custom controls and graphics stayed, but not my actual progress. It's pretty infuriating because the new saves will be there if I go to the main menu, but if I quit the game, either directly to desktop or after exiting to the menu then the desktop, when I start the game up my saves are gone again. It's as if some boogeyman script is deleting my saves upon exiting the game. Has anyone had this problem? I think I may have to re-install the game. :sad:

Edited by ItsDolomiteBaby
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Reinstalation didn't do anything. I wonder what changed. Maybe it's my firewall being weird again. Stupid thing was keeping me from downloading Star Wars: The Old Republic. Maybe it's interfering with FC3... Or maybe it has to do with Nvidia? I hadn't optimized the game through Nvidia before, but I did recently. Where do the saves usually get stored? You'd think reinstalling would restore damaged or missing files and folders...

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