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getting sick and tired of oblivion raining now


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no not your mod, i downloaded a mod that changes the weather yesterday, not yours someone else's and it dont work, it makes it sunny for a few seconds then just rains again

most weather mods try to make a slow transition, allowing the weather to morph. With the console command "fw 00038eee" the Weather will turn to clear sky instantly. Try that; if it works, the weatherspell in my mod works with that command.


If not, i suspect some mod may influence your weather, maybe this "always sunny mod" has somehow screwed with your weather. What mod is that, could you give us a link?

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Actually there is a way to turn off rain with no mods, spells, or yelling at the screen.



Go to My Documents/My Games/Oblivion, and open up the .ini file. Actually, before you do that, back it up, then open it. Scroll down until you see Weather, and then set Precipitation to 0. Now rain will never, ever happen. It will, however, be cloudy a lot.



I hate the rain too. It takes me right out of the game. Why? Because when I'm sitting at my computer screen all warm and dry and drinking a beer or something, I have none of the cold wetness that comes with real rain. Therefore, it's just annoying in the game. I feel your pain.


Another trick you can try if you don't want to turn it off completely, but don't mind waiting, is to Wait about 4 game days. The sun will usually come out then.

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I've had the same kinda thing happen and yes natural environments weather does cause a lot, I mean A LOT of rainy weather. I just turned that one off and BOOM I saw sun for the first time in 2 game months.

God you'd think the entire country would be flooded after 2 months of rain

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  • 1 year later...

hey ---- I figured out why it's constantly raining. I had the exact same problem. What happened is that you enabled two .esp's that are conflicting - these two are:






just disable either one, depending on the lighting effects you want, and the rain stops!!!!!! --- also, i would highly recommend using the natural weather esp found in the extras folder from that mod - the landscapes and skies are absolutely beautiful at night.

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