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Selectable Ammo


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I have an idea to use a list much like rockit launcher uses, and have the different bullets do different damages and have different effects. I am comfortable with the idea of having to create individual weapons for each ammo, a la WMK. I really just need help with the weapon selecting with the different ammos, and adding the ammos to the world in the random lists.


On a related note, is there any way to have power armors truly bulletproof or to revamp the DR system to subtract damage off of the top of the actual weapon damage? (if this is not clear enough -- if a shot does 15 damage and the armor has a DR of 10, then the player or NPC would only take the 5 extra damage above the DR limit..)

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On a related note, is there any way to have power armors truly bulletproof or to revamp the DR system to subtract damage off of the top of the actual weapon damage? (if this is not clear enough -- if a shot does 15 damage and the armor has a DR of 10, then the player or NPC would only take the 5 extra damage above the DR limit..)


I'd change it to a resistance system reminiscent of the first Fallout myself that cuts damage down by percentage.


Nothing like shooting a Power Armored Brotherhood Paladin in the face with an SMG for a whole THREE damage. This is of course followed up by getting sawed in half with a Minigun ;)

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Uh, with FOSE you wouldn't have to use different weapons. Hell, I could do this in my spare time!


You'd just have to make a few FormLists; one for bullet based weapons, one for shotguns, one for the railway rifle, etc. Then you'd make a 'quest'. You'd just use the quest to make a global script. In this script, you'd use a GameMode block, and an if statement using IsKeyPressed (the key you want to use). All in all, it'd look something like this:


scn AmmoSwitchSCRIPT

short menu1
short menu2
short menu3 (and so forth)
float Weapon
float ammo
float projectile
float button

Begin GameMode

  set Weap to player.GetEquippedObject 5
  if IsKeyPressed (whatever key you want) && player.WeaponIsInList (First List)
		set menu1 to 1
		showmessage (name of first message)
  elseif player.WeaponIsInList (Second List)
		set menu2 to 1
		showmessage (name of second message)
  ...(and so forth)

Begin MenuMode

	 if menu1 == 1
		 set Button to GetButtonPressed
				if Button == 0
					Set Projectile to (name of new projectile)
					 Set Ammo to (name of new ammo)
					 Weap.SetWeaponProjectile to (new projectile)
					 Weap.SetWeaponAmmo to (new ammo)
				(and so forth)


That's basically what it would look like. I'm pretty sure I didn't get it all right. Check with Cipscis over in his thread if you have problems.


I'd do this myself, but I'm working on a mod at the moment. Just remember, this will require FOSE.

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You have to understand that I am very new to editing fallout 3. I am catching on quickly, but scripting is beyond me at this point. I am looking and am seeing some things that are making sense, but its a little difficult right now.


How would I change damage on the weapons with the different projectiles? and if it edits the base, how does that not affect all of the weapons that everyone else has? Or does the game spawn individual copies of weapons so that a (i would suspect) temporary effect on one does not affect the others?


BTW, thanks


edit: looking at fose stuff now. Ill see about the damage.

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You have to understand that I am very new to editing fallout 3. I am catching on quickly, but scripting is beyond me at this point. I am looking and am seeing some things that are making sense, but its a little difficult right now.


How would I change damage on the weapons with the different projectiles? and if it edits the base, how does that not affect all of the weapons that everyone else has? Or does the game spawn individual copies of weapons so that a (i would suspect) temporary effect on one does not affect the others?


BTW, thanks


edit: looking at fose stuff now. Ill see about the damage.


I'm worse than you. I'm still confused by the GECK's basic functions.

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I have WIP mods that do both of those... Well, I don't have fragmentation or tracer rounds but I have FMJ, JHP, JSP, LRN, LFN, SS, AP, and API in about 60 calibers. Most just have FMJ, JHP, and JSP. The way I've done it is to have a weapon of each caliber for the player, then a different weapon for each ammo type for the NPCs. That way the player's weapon can be scripted to have the stats that you want, similar to what Five_X's example does, without affecting the ammo that NPCs use. Whenever the player picks up an NPC version, it's removed from the inventory and replaced with the equivalent player version, and vice versa when the player drops it.


My damage reducing WIP does pretty much what you wanted, resisting X amount (instead of X percent) of damage at Y condition. Armor type affects resistance versus different projectiles, and helmets are completely separate from armor--so the resistance of a 3 AR helmet won't be affected by a 40AR suit, and vice versa. It's also possible to incapacitate the enemy with a single shot to the head, if they have a weak helmet or none at all.

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I have WIP mods that do both of those... Well, I don't have fragmentation or tracer rounds but I have FMJ, JHP, JSP, LRN, LFN, SS, AP, and API in about 60 calibers. Most just have FMJ, JHP, and JSP. The way I've done it is to have a weapon of each caliber for the player, then a different weapon for each ammo type for the NPCs. That way the player's weapon can be scripted to have the stats that you want, similar to what Five_X's example does, without affecting the ammo that NPCs use. Whenever the player picks up an NPC version, it's removed from the inventory and replaced with the equivalent player version, and vice versa when the player drops it.


My damage reducing WIP does pretty much what you wanted, resisting X amount (instead of X percent) of damage at Y condition. Armor type affects resistance versus different projectiles, and helmets are completely separate from armor--so the resistance of a 3 AR helmet won't be affected by a 40AR suit, and vice versa. It's also possible to incapacitate the enemy with a single shot to the head, if they have a weak helmet or none at all.


What would be wrong with affecting the NPC ammo? Talon company hunting with frag rounds for a soft target like the Vault Dweller would make sense, seeing as they are a high-end assassination squad.


However, because of the diversity that I am looking for, I think you are going the right direction with a weapon for each round type. I still think that Five-X script will still work quite nicely for the selection.


Are you doing a FOOK2 version for yours? if not, I may still work on this as an alternative. And i could learn a lot in the process.

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The reason why the NPC weapons don't have scripts is because they wouldn't be able to use them. Plus, if the scripts were set to run 'OnEquip', that could cause some problems. But since this would use FOSE, that shouldn't be needed.
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The reason why the NPC weapons don't have scripts is because they wouldn't be able to use them. Plus, if the scripts were set to run 'OnEquip', that could cause some problems. But since this would use FOSE, that shouldn't be needed.


So, doing multiple versions of the weapons are necessary for NPCs to take advantage of the different variants? I would love to set it up so that the more elite the NPC combatant, the more specialized and rare the ammo they use, based on their purpose.

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