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POLL: Favorite Oblivion Race?


Favorite Race?  

198 members have voted

  1. 1. Whic race is your favorite?

    • Imperial
    • Redguard
    • Altmer (High Elf)
    • Bosmer (Wood Elf)
    • Dunmer (Dark Elf)
    • Argonian
    • Orsimer (Orc)
    • Khajiit
    • Breton
    • Nord

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Well, the character I played in D&D was a Yuanti which is basically an argonian.



But I can't stand any of the animal races in this game because they look really lame with regular human body types. They really skimped with only one skeleton.


Every time I see an Argonian or a Kajitt in a nice silk dress I groan. It just looks like someone wearing a mask. And why do reptile people have breasts and belly buttons?


They really dropped the ball.




I voted Imperial just because my main character is one. But I've also come up with some other frivolous, screwing around with the game characters such as a Nord with dark, reddish tinted skin and high cheek bones who looks like a Native American, and an Altmer barbarian with all strength and heavy armor skills.



And why do they call them High, Wood, and Dark Elves all the time when they have perfectly good, and quite awesome I must say, names for them. Altmer and Dunmer sound like cool fantasy characters. They sound like real races or ethnicities. Why do they then blow it by saying High Elf and Dark Elf all the time?

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I'm a fan of the Nords. Mainly because I'm 6'4, have pale skin, and am usually quite comfortable in cold weather. So I suppose the reason I choose the Nord race is because I identify with them on a personal level. Much like I believe why most people here would make similar judgments when choosing a race.
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