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POLL: Favorite Oblivion Race?


Favorite Race?  

198 members have voted

  1. 1. Whic race is your favorite?

    • Imperial
    • Redguard
    • Altmer (High Elf)
    • Bosmer (Wood Elf)
    • Dunmer (Dark Elf)
    • Argonian
    • Orsimer (Orc)
    • Khajiit
    • Breton
    • Nord

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1. Dunmer (my first real hacknslash RPG was Champions of Norrath 2, and I always picked a shadowknight, and that stuck) However, the main reason is I tend to be a jack-of-all-trades type character. I have found Dunmer tend to lend themselves to said role with greater ease than any other race.

2. Argonians: for the benefits of being a lizard and the race benefits such as perm water breathing and antipoison



1. Still Dunmer, with RBE. Tied with

1. Hidden Elves (Mystic Elves) A nice alternate Dunmer styled character

2. I have yet to play with any other RBE added races, so I shall have to let you know after I do so.

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Vanilla: Khajiit (still wondering about their species though =\ )

Modded: Ohmes-rath (or Tabaxi. Wiki said vanilla khajiit might be Ohmes-rath *shrugs*)

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Redguard gets my vote hands down. All around versatile. I'm always skilled in most of the attributes, so I can use magic, swords, blunt, bows, alchemy, etc. Beautiful skin and look good in clothes/armor. Wouldn't play with any other race, and never have, even in Morrowind. :cool:
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Imperials. they are the mid point between most races. Wanna be a good caster but defensible unlike the highelf? imperial. Wanna be a fighter but good at boosting yourself magically like a wizardous redguard? Imperial. Wanna be a ninja? Imperial. Wanna have a hot naked modded chick that doesn't have scales? Imperial.
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