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Wouldn't it be great if there was a community effort to make an es


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Thanks for the replies. I guess it is indeed just too unpractical and too much work to compile such sets of mods. One can dream.

I guess I'll just have to do a lot of tweaking and testing mods before I start my next run through Fallout. And I'll use some sites I've found that list recommended mods, anyone know of any better?







I just hope I can get everything to work together nicely without ruining my game :unsure:

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I am not sure exactly what you are suggesting, as I am sure you are aware the Fallout 3 Overhaul Kit or FOOK is now in it's second iteration. That is a pack of modifications to the core game in terms of how your skills affect your attacks, and it also changes the interface and adds more weapons to the game.


So it would seem your question has been answered.


If you are suggesting other mods be put in packs like this one then I say yes it would be possible but it would require the community to stay in contact with eachother for extended periods of time, ensure updates to the individual mods that the pack contains are released at the same time so that the pack can be updated most efficently, and all mods would have to be scripted together and tested together to make sure that all the mods work together and do not cause any problems.


This would be a lot of work, I beleive it can be done but many moders don't like collaboration for some reason and don't like hard work.

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Heck, I think it is more about being active and interested. See, I have this huge idea for FO3, but it would require months of my time without anyone else. I think a collabrative effort could only be reached if you had some brillantly laid out plan. While I think the work of entering data is drudgeous at best, coming up with the idea and sticking to it is the hardest.


But, I am optimistic it could happen with FO3, people just got to be interested.

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I don't think it would ever happen or should happen. Although theoretically it does make a lot of sense.


But you have to put yourself in the shoes of the person creating the mod.


If I had to make an analogy..imagine that you had created a painting and you spent months and months and months on it.


After some time, you are very happy with your painting and everyone else seems to like it too.


After devoting that much time into something, you don't want to have that "painting" in some compilation.


It's yours.


You don't want another person to add a red ribbon on your painting and call it theirs.


When you place your work in a compilation, people don't recognize your work. They just see the compilation. You just become one tiny little name in a credits section. And honestly..to tell you the truth..I don't even bother to read the credit section of most "compilations"...which is really how things are.


It wouldn't be too difficult to get a whole set of mods together and make them compatible, but that's not the real issue.


The real issue is how the "modder" feels about his work.


For example, I know that the majority of my mods are incompatible with every mod out there in existence. But I still refuse outright to have them in compilations or to have others to upload my work....


I do this because I don't want it in there. I want it to stand on its own, because it was meant to be on its own.

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